Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access and Management...
Provides a general introduction to the concepts and mechanisms specified in the parts 2 to 4 of ISO 8571. The definitions are used in the following parts of ISO 8571. References: ISO 7498, 8326, ISO/TR 8509, ISO 8571, 8649, 8822, 8824, 8825, 9804 , 9834-2.
Low-Pressure Connecting Assemblies for Medical Gas Systems
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to low-pressure connecting assemblies for medical gas systems in any health care facility.
1.2 This Standard contains two parts as follows:
(a) Part I contains requirements relating to the construction, performance, and identification of low-pressure connecting assemblies (see Clauses 3 through 6); and
(b) Part II contains requirements relating…
Information processing systems - User documentation and cover information for consumer software pack...
Describes user documentation and cover information supplied with software packages. Is applicable to software packages sold off-the-shelf to consumers for business, scientific, educational and home use. References: ISO 6592; ISO 7185.
Information processing systems — User documentation and cover information for consumer software pack...
Describes user documentation and cover information supplied with software packages. Is applicable to software packages sold off-the-shelf to consumers for business, scientific, educational and home use. References: ISO 6592; ISO 7185.
Functional design criteria for a safety parameter display system for nuclear power stations
Considers the functional design criteria for a Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) giving concise information to aid operating personnel, particularly in abnormal conditions. An SPDS is made up of instruments, displays, computer hardware and software either constituting a stand-alone system or integrated into the control room information system. Applies only to control rooms designed in…
Critères fonctionnels de conception pour un système de visualisation des paramètres de sûreté pour l...
Etablit les critères fonctionnels de conception du système de visualisation des paramètres de sûreté (SVPS) dont la mission est d'apporter des informations concises de manière à assister le personnel de conduite du réacteur, en particulier dans des conditions anormales. Le SVPS se compose des matériels de visualisation et des logiciels de calculateurs constituant un système spécifique ou…