Information technology — Text Communication — Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) — Pa...
Defines the overall system and service of a Message Handling System (MHS) and serves as a general view of it. Provides the structure of MHS standards, the capabilities of the MHS and the elements of service. The annexes provide important supplemental information and a glossary of 129 terms.
Information technology — Text Communication — Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) — Pa...
Provides the conventions used to specify the information processing tasks that arise in Message Handling and also the principles for realizing the communication aspects of such tasks concretely. Annexes provide important supplemental information. Requirements for compliance with this standard are not included.
Mechanical vibration and shock — Analytical methods of assessing shock resistance of mechanical syst...
Establishes the procedures for specifying the analytical methods, provides a protocol for conducting and documenting a shock analysis and identifies the requirements of the protocol. Applies to any product or human subject for which an analytical assessment of its shock resistance is required. The term "product" is used to designate an engineering artifact (equipment, component, machine…
Information technology - Text Communication - Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) - Pa...
Defines the overall system and service of a Message Handling System (MHS) and serves as a general view of it. Provides the structure of MHS standards, the capabilities of the MHS and the elements of service. The annexes provide important supplemental information and a glossary of 129 terms.