Systems and software engineering - Design and development of information for users
This document covers the development process for designers and developers of information for users of software. It describes how to establish what information users need, how to determine the way in which that information should be presented, and how to prepare the information and make it available. It is not limited to the design and development stage of the life cycle, but includes information…
Configurable car infotainment services (CCIS) - Part 3: Framework
IEC 63246-3:2022 describes the CCIS framework, which includes the information flows for registration, device monitoring and control, and content delivery between CCIS functional entities.
Services d'infodivertissements configurables pour les véhicules (CCIS) - Partie 3 : Cadre
L'IEC 63246-3:2022 décrit le cadre du CCIS, qui inclut les flux d'informations pour l'enregistrement, la surveillance et le contrôle du dispositif, et la diffusion de contenu entre les entités fonctionnelles du CCIS.
Information technology — Service management — Part 5: Implementation guidance for ISO/IEC 20000-1
This document provides guidance for organizations on how to implement a service management system (SMS). Organizations can use this document to implement the entire SMS in order to conform to the requirements specified in ISO/IEC 20000-1, or parts of an SMS for a selected subset of requirements. This document illustrates a generic plan to manage implementation activities for an SMS.
The intended…
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 4000...
This document specifies the use of the integrated resources necessary for the scope and information requirements for the Core model.
The following Core technical capabilities [CTCs] are within the scope of this document:
Common resources;
Document management;
Individual part;
Management resources;
Product data management;
Matériel forestier — Débusqueuses à roues — Termes, définitions et spécifications commerciales
Le présent document spécifie la terminologie et les informations nécessaires comme cadre général d'identification et de description des principales dimensions et caractéristiques des débusqueuses à roues.
Il est applicable aux débusqueuses à câble et à grappin articulées sur roues.
NOTE La terminologie et les exigences données dans le présent document ne s'appliquent pas…
Machinery for forestry — Wheeled skidders — Terms, definitions and commercial specifications
This document specifies terminology and required information as a general framework for identifying and describing the main dimensions and features of wheeled skidders.
It is applicable to articulated wheeled cable and grapple skidders.
NOTE The terminology and requirements given in this document do not necessarily all apply to a specific machine. Machines can be characterized by the…
Machinery for forestry — Feller-bunchers — Terms, definitions and commercial specifications
This document specifies terminology and required information as a general framework for identifying and describing the main dimensions and features of feller-bunchers.
It is applicable to tracked and wheeled feller-bunchers.
NOTE The terminology and requirements given in this document do not necessarily all apply to a specific machine. Machines can be characterized by the dimensions and…
Le présent document établit un vocabulaire pour les biocombustibles solides. Le présent document ne couvre que les matières premières et les matières issues de processus provenant de:
— la sylviculture et l'arboriculture;
— l'agriculture et l'horticulture; et
— l'aquaculture.
NOTE 1 Les niveaux de composés organiques halogénés ou de métaux lourds inclus dans les…
Gas pressure safety and control devices for use in gas transmission, distribution and installations ...
This document specifies generic safety, constructional, performance, testing and documentation requirements for high pressure controls for use in gas transmission, distribution and installations (hereafter referred to as controls).
This document is applicable to controls with operating pressures greater than 500 kPa (5 bar) and up to and including 10 MPa (100 bar) and nominal size up to DN 400…