Information technology - Registration of repertoires of graphic characters from ISO/IEC 10367
Specifies the procedures to be followed in preparing, publishing, and maintaining a register of graphic characters. Annex A (Advisory Group) forms an integral part of this standard. Annex B (Forms for proposal) is for information only.
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Start-stop tr...
Specifies signal quality requirements for serial data transmission. The interface of concern conforms to CCITT Recommendations V.24 (telephone networks) and X.24 (data networks). Annex A is for information only.
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registra...
Specifies the contents of register entries recording information about VTE-profiles and assigning unambiguous names of ASN.1 type object identifier to VTE-profile definitions.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Procedures for the operation of OSI Registra...
Specifies the contents of register entries recording information about VTE-profiles and assigning unambiguous names of ASN.1 type object identifier to VTE-profile definitions.
Information and documentation — Romanization of Chinese
Explains the principles of romanization of Modern Chinese, the official language of the People's Republic of China. Annex A (Table of syllabic forms) forms an integral part of this standard.
Series 1 freight containers — Specification and testing — Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry...
Specifies the basic specifications and testing requirements for containers of the dry bulk non-pressurized type which are suitable for international exchange and for conveyance by road, rail and sea. Annexes F and G are for information only.
Information et documentation — Romanisation du chinois
La présente Norme internationale expose les principes de la romanisation du chinois moderne, ou putonghuà, langue officielle de la République populaire de Chine telle qu'elle est définie dans les Directives pour la popularisation du putonghuà, prescrites par le Conseil d'Etat le 1956-02-06.