Filtres piézoélectriques - Partie 1: Informations générales, valeurs normalisées et conditions d...
Donne des informations générales et spécifie les méthodes d'essai communes à tous les types de filtres piézoélectriques. Cette publication a été remplacée par la CEI 368-2-1.
Information technology - Data interchange on 90 mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency...
Specifies the mechanical, physical and magnetic characteristics of the cartridge, so as to provide physical interchangeability between data processing systems. It also specifies the method of recording, quality of the recorded signals, track layout, and track format.
Information technology - Unrecorded 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange ...
Specifies the characteristics of the magnetic tape with reel, to enable magnetic and mechanical interchangeability of such tape between information processing systems.
Technical product documentation — Vocabulary — Part 1: Terms relating to technical drawings: general...
Includes 34 terms and definitions in English and French. Annex A gives the equivalent terms in the German, Italian and Swedish languages for information only.
Information technology — Data interchange on 90 mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency...
Specifies the mechanical, physical and magnetic characteristics of the cartridge, so as to provide physical interchangeability between data processing systems. It also specifies the method of recording, quality of the recorded signals, track layout, and track format.