Information et documentation — Répertoire des éléments de données bibliographique — Partie 2: Applic...
La présente partie de l'ISO 8459 détermine et décrit les éléments de données nécessaires à un échange de données entre organismes impliqués dans l'acquisition de documents bibliographiques. Elle identifie également les messages et leurs éléments de données qui sont utilisés dans les transactions d'acquisition. Elle s'applique aussi bien aux messages sur un bulletin imprimé,…
Paints and varnishes — Pressure test for stackability
Specifies a test method for determining, under standard conditions, whether a single-coat film or a multi-coat system of paints after a specified drying period is sufficiently dry to resist damage when two painted surfaces or one painted surface and another surface are placed in contact under pressure. For any particular application, it needs to be completed by supplementary information.
Coating powders — Part 7: Determination of loss of mass on stoving
The method described is a simple, practical test which provides sufficiently accurate results with coating powders that lose up to about 2 % (m/m). Any water present in the product under test is included in the test result. For any particular application, the test method needs to be completed by supplementary information.
Information and documentation — Bibliographic data element directory — Part 2: Acquisitions applicat...
Specifies and describes data elements required in the interchange of data between institutions involved in the acquisition of bibliographic materials. Also identifies messages and their data elements which are used in the acquisitions process. The data elements are presented as a data element directory, as an index consisting of names, keywords and synonyms for data elements, as a structured…
1.1 This standard states physical, chemical and performance requirements for a
special purpose non-ammoniated liquid detergent compound for use in the removal
of water-emulsion floor polish and wax.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 7.2.
1.1 This standard applies to coarse and fine sodium chloride intended for use
in melting ice and snow on pavement.
1.2 See par. 8.2 for further information on intended uses.
1.1 This standard applies to a ready-mixed organic zinc-rich coating for
general use on steel surfaces.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 7.2.
1.1 This standard applies to a cold-curing two or three component epoxy
polyamide, zinc-rich coating for use on unpainted metal as a primer or as a
system for new construction and maintenance.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 7.2.
1.1 This standard applies to a general purpose exterior coating of acrylic
cellulose nitrate gloss lacquer for protecting metal surfaces, particularly
those of aircraft where resistance to diester lubricating oil is required.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 8.2.
1.1 This standard applies to a durable alkyd-base gloss enamel suitable for
use on primed metal and wood surfaces.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses and method of application,
see par. 8.2 and 8.3.