Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Open Systems ...
The procedures specified do not prevent communication between transport entities conforming to ISO/IEC 8073 only and those conforming to ISO/IEC 8073 as well as to this standard. The use of a protocol identification procedure allows transport entities to be implemented which can support both the OSI transport protocols and non-OSI transport protocols above the OSI network layer.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Alarm reporting function...
Establishes user requirements for the alarm reporting function and a model that relates the service and generic definitions provided by this function to user requirements, defines the service provided by the function and generic notification types and parameters, specifies the protocol and the abstract syntax, defines the relationship between this service and SMI notifications, specifies…
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles AOM1n OSI Management — Management Commu...
Specifies how the OSI Common Management Information Service Element (CMISE) combined with the OSI Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE) shall be used to provide the complete set of operation and notification services to the CMISE-service-users of two end systems. Specifies the CMIP/ROSE protocol features for the definition of the Enhanced Management Communications profile, AOM12. Defines the…