Véhicules automobiles pour le transport des personnes handicapées
Cette norme vise les véhicules automobiles autres que les voitures de tourisme
(selon la définition de la Section 2 de la Loi canadienne sur la sécurité des
véhicules automobiles) conçus, fabriqués ou adaptés pour assurer le transport
des personnes handicapées.
1. Dans la Loi canadienne sur la sécurité des véhicules automobiles : «voiture
de tourime désigne un véhicule dont…
Performance Standard for Rating Large Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
This Standard provides methods for rating factory-made commercial and
industrial unitary air conditioners, heat pumps, and condensing units of the
types classified in Clause 1.4, intended for air-conditioning and space heating
This Standard applies only to electrically-driven, mechanical,
vapour-compression-type systems charged with one of the refrigerants listed in…
Design Guidelines for Administration of Telecommunications Infrastructure in
Commercial Buildings
2.1 Scope
2.1.1 This standard specifies the administrative requirements of the
telecommunications infrastructure within a new, an existing, or a renovated
(primarily commercial) building or campus. Areas of the infrastructure to be
administered are shown in figure 2.1-1 and include:
a) terminations for the telecommunications media located in work areas,
telecommunications closets,…
Canadian OSI Registration Procedures and Guidelines
1 Scope and Field of Application
1.1 This Standard defines the procedures for the assignment and registration of numeric and alphanumeric name values for all organizations that wish to have numeric and/or alphanumeric names publicly known and registered at the national level for the purpose of open systems communication.
1.2 Registration ensures that name values are…
Canadian OSI Registration Procedures and Guidelines - Part 1: Registration
Procedures for Organizati...
1. Scope and Field of Application
This Standard defines the procedures for the assignment and registration of
numeric and alphanumeric name values for all organizations that wish to have
numeric and/or alphanumeric names publicly known and registered at the national
level for the purpose of open systems communication.
Registration ensures that name values that are unique within a…
Canadian OSI Registration Procedures and Guidelines - Part 4: Guidelines for
Directory Names
1. Scope
This Standard provides guidelines for the assignment of RDNs, as defined in
International Standard ISO/IEC 9594-2 and in accordance with International
Standard ISO/IEC 9834-1.
This Standard addresses registration requirements that apply to that portion of
the Directory Information Tree immediately below the vertex assigned to Canada,
having the RDN of countryName=CA…
This Standard applies to the computer-aided preparation of building working
drawings. In general context, it establishes detailed recommendations on
symbols and their application for computer-aided design drafting (CADD) for the
building industry. The symbols represented are fundamental shapes currently
used in the building field and may be further enhanced by the assignment of
Performance Standard for Rating Packaged Water Chillers
This Standard applies to factory-designed and prefabricated absorption or vapour-compression refrigeration chillers equipped with centrifugal or rotary screw and positive desplacement (reciprocating or scroll) compressors. The
Standard applies to chillers having a cooling capacity under 5600 kW (1590 tons) and intended for application in air-conditioning systems for buildings.
Ferrite materials - Guide on the format of data appearing in manufacturers' catalogues of trans...
Directed to the manufacturer who may wish to publish in his catalogue typical data for material parameters as measured on test pieces. Promotes the comparability of such information in the area of soft ferrite materials.
Matériaux ferrites - Guide relatif au format des données figurant dans les catalogues des fabricants...
S'adresse au fabricant qui peut désirer publier dans son catalogue les valeurs caractéristiques des matériaux, mesurées sur des éprouvettes. Facilite la comparaison de telles informations dans le domaine des ferrites.