Information technology — Customer premises cabling — Planning and installation guide to support ISO/...
The purpose is to supplement the token ring standard ISO/IEC 8802-5. Therefore, includes a description and recommended values of characteristics of the appropriate elements within a token ring network, the cabling system topology with recommended distances, transmission requirements of suitable medium for 4 and 16 Mbit/s token rings, guidelines for the design, planning and installation of cabling…
Information technology — International Standardized Profile TAnnnn — Connection-mode Transport Servi...
ISO/IEC ISP 10608 is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the open systems interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards which collectively provide the connection-mode transport service using the connectionless network service. This part is applicable to the provision of the connection-mode transport service in end systems attached to a token ring…
Information technology — International Standardized Profile TAnnnn — Connection-mode Transport Servi...
Is applicable to end systems or relay systems operating over token ring LAN subnetworks in the open systems interconnection (OSI) environment. Relates to any of the transport (Tx, Ux) or relay (Rx) profiles defined in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2, where such profile uses subnetwork type 53. Specifically, provides a common set of requirements that are applicable to transport groups TA, TB, TC, TD, TE, UA,…
Acoustique — Détermination des niveaux de puissance acoustique émis par les sources de bruit à parti...
La présente Norme internationale prescrit une méthode de mesurage des niveaux de pression acoustique sur une surface entourant une source de bruit, dans des conditions approchant celles du champ libre au voisinage d'un ou de plusieurs plans réfléchissants, afin de calculer le niveau de puissance acoustique produit par la source. Elle définit des prescriptions relatives à l'environnement…
Information Processing - Data Interchange on 130 mm (5.25 in) Flexible Disk
Cartridges Using Modifi...
This National standard of Canada is equivalent to International standard ISO
This standard specifies the dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics
of the cartridge so as to provide physical interchangeability between data
processing systems.
NOTE - Numeric values in the SI and/or Imperial measurement system in this
standard may have been rounded off and therefore…
Guidelines for Implementing ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems in Public Sector Organizations
This document contains guidelines to assist public sector organizations to implement a quality management system based on the ISO 9000 series of international quality management standards. It also provides advice for those organizations that may wish to register their quality systems.
Included in this document is information on the content of the ISO 9000 series as well as background…
1.1 Purpose
This Standard establishes the principles and practices that are applicable to a
Phase I ESA. The purpose of a Phase I ESA is to identify actual and potential
site contamination. This involves the evaluation and reporting of existing
information collected through Records Review, Site Visit, and Interviews.
Phase I ESAs may assist in reducing uncertainty about potential…
Information Processing - File Structure and Labelling of Flexible Disk
Cartridges for Information I...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
This Standard specifies requirements for the file structure and the labelling
of flexible disk cartridges for the interchange of information between users of
different information processing systems.
This Standard specifies
a) recorded labels to identify files, file sections, and volumes of flexible…
Information Processing Systems - Designation of Unrecorded Flexible Disk
This National standard of Canada is equivalent to International standard
ISO/IEC 9983:1989.
This Standard specifies an identifier to appear on each flexible disk cartridge
(FDC) and the minimum information to appear on packages of unrecorded flexible
disk cartridges.
The information according to this Standard shall appear on cartridges and on
packages of unrecorded flexible disk…