Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and met...
Defines a protocol to load the memory of data processing equipment installed on IEEE 802 networks. Discusses the LS in only as much detail as is necessary to define the loading protocol. Provides the PICS proforma for the System Load Protocol in compliance with the relevant requirements, and in accordance with the relevant guidance, given in ISO/IEC 9646-2.
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented presentation protocol: P...
Cancels and replaces the first edition (1988). Specifies procedures for the transfer of data and control information from one presentation-entity to a peer presentation-entity; the means of selecting, by means of functional units, the procedures to be used by the presentation-entities; the structure and encoding of the presentation-protocol-data-units used for the transfer of data and control…
Information technology - Microprocessor systems - Futurebus+ - Logical protocol specification
Specifies the logical layer for a set of signal lines that constitute a multiple segment bus architecture, and for the interfacing of modules connected to a bus segment. Intended to be used as a component within a profile to build systems with higher levels of compatibility.
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Synchronizati...
Contains requirements necessary for the synchronization of PISNs. Establishes technical criteria necessary in the design of a synchronization plan for a PISN.
Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 3: Basic attribut...
Specifies attributes of data elements. Applies to activities including the definition, specification and contents of data element dictionaries; the design and specification of application-oriented data models, databases and meassage types for data interchange; the actual use of data in communications and information processing systems; interchanging or referencing among various collections of…