Information technology - Programming languages - PASCAl
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 7185:1990.
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the semantics and syntax of the computer
programming language Pascal by…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between
systems - Start-stop tr...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 7480:1991.
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
1. Scope
1.1 This International Standard specifies signal quality requirements for
serial data transmission at the interface…
Information et documentation — Translittération des caractères cyrilliques en caractères latins — La...
La présente Norme internationale prescrit un système de translittération en caractères latins des caractères cyrilliques constituant les alphabets des langues slaves et non slaves, conformément aux principes de la conversion rigoureuse, afin de permettre l'échange international de l'information, notamment par des moyens électroniques. Pour la translittération des caractères cyrilliques…
Information technology — Programming languages — SQL/Ada Module Description Language (SAMeDL)
Specifies the syntax and semantics of a database programming language, the SQL/Ada Module Description Language, SAMeDL. Does not define the Programming Language Ada nor the Database Language SQL. The SAMeDL is defined with respect to entry level SQL.
Information and documentation — Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters — Slavi...
Cancels and replaces the first edition (1986). Establishes a system for the transliteration into Latin characters of Cyrillic characters constituting the alphabets of Slavic and non-Slavic languages. Table 3 includes in a single sequence, listed in the Cyrillic alphabetic order, the 118 single or diacritic-carrying characters that appear in one or another of the considered alphabets.