Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing: Protocol...
Provides the PICS proforma for the Distributed Transaction Processing Protocol as specified in ITU-T Rec. X.862 ISO/IEC 10026-3 in compliance with the relevant requirements, and in accordance with the relevant guidance, given in CCITT Rec. X.291 ISO/IEC 9646-2.
Information technology - Remote Operations: OSI realizations - Remote Operations Service Element (RO...
Specifies the protocol and procedures for the Remote Operation Service Element. The ROSE procedures are defined in terms of the interactions between peer ROSE protocol machines through the use of RTSE services or the Presentation service and the interactions between the ROSE protocol machine and its service-user. Specifies conformance requirements for systems implementing these procedures.
Information technology - Remote Operations: OSI realizations - Remote Operations Service Element (RO...
Provides the framework for the realization as an OSI application context of the abstracts concepts of operation package and association contract defined in ITU-T Rec. X.880 ISO/IEC 13712-1. Focuses on the services provided by ROSE, and the way ROSE is used.
Technologies de l'information - Télécommunications et échange d'information
entre système...
La collectivité internationale a décidé de publier cette norme uniquement en
anglais. C'est donc sur cette base qu'on a adopté cette norme comme Norme
nationale du Canada.
La présente Norme nationale du Canada est équivalente à la Norme internationale
ISO/IEC 10737:1994.
1. Domaine d'application
La présente norme internationale fournit la spécification de l'…
Commissioning of Medical Gas Systems in Health Care Facilities
1. Scope
This Standard applies to the commissioning of medical gas systems in health
care facilities. It is a companion document to the other Standards in the CSa
Z318 Series of Standards.
This Standard is intended to assist the commissioning team in providing proper
direction for the installation of medical gas systems. This Standard provides
for commissioning of medical…
Commissioning of Communication Systems in Health Care Facilities
1. Scope
1.1 General
This Standard applies to the commissioning of communication systems in health
care facilities. It is a companion document to the other Standards in the CSa
Z318 Series of Standards.
1.2 Application
For the purpose of this Standard, communication systems include the following
active and passive systems that contribute to information flow:
(a) sound system;