Information technology — Remote Operations: Concepts, model and notation
Describes the concepts and model of ROS. It uses ASN.1 to specify information object classes corresponding to the fundamental concepts of ROS, such as operation and error. This in turn provides a notation so that designers can specify particular instances of those classes, e.g. particular operations and errors. It provides a generic set of PDUs which can be used when realizing ROS concepts…
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — LOTOS description of the CCR service
Focuses on one atomic action branch and covers the relevant service primitives with their types and parameters, and the behaviour as to how these service primitives can be issued and received by the CCR service provider. Service primitives and its parameters are defined in clause 8. The sequential rules on superior side are defined in clause 9, and on subordinate side in clause 10. The relation…
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — LOTOS description of the CCR protocol
Describes ISO/IEC 9805-1 CCR Protocol Specification using formal description language LOTOS. The LOTOS specification includes not only CCR protocol machine, but also CF (control function) which controls the ASEs in order that the architecture of the CCR-ASE process is compatible with the ALS structure. According to the ALS structure, this Technical Report employs the model as shown in clause 6.…
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framewor...
Gives guidance on the concepts of Implementation Conformance Statements (ICSs) and System Conformance Statements (SCSs) related zu OSI specifications and specifies requirements and gives guidance on the production of ICSs, ICS proformas, ICS templates and profile Requirements List (RLs). This part specifies the structure, the questions to be asked, the syntax and notation to be used and the…
Information technology - Remote Operations: Concepts, model and notation
Describes the concepts and model of ROS. It uses ASN.1 to specify information object classes corresponding to the fundamental concepts of ROS, such as operation and error. This in turn provides a notation so that designers can specify particular instances of those classes, e.g. particular operations and errors. It provides a generic set of PDUs which can be used when realizing ROS concepts…
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - LOTOS description of the CCR service
Focuses on one atomic action branch and covers the relevant service primitives with their types and parameters, and the behaviour as to how these service primitives can be issued and received by the CCR service provider. Service primitives and its parameters are defined in clause 8. The sequential rules on superior side are defined in clause 9, and on subordinate side in clause 10. The relation…
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - LOTOS description of the CCR protocol
Describes ISO/IEC 9805-1 CCR Protocol Specification using formal description language LOTOS. The LOTOS specification includes not only CCR protocol machine, but also CF (control function) which controls the ASEs in order that the architecture of the CCR-ASE process is compatible with the ALS structure. According to the ALS structure, this Technical Report employs the model as shown in clause 6.…