Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 5: Naming and ide...
This part of ISO/IEC 11179 provides rules and guidelines for naming and identification of data elements. It describes the components and structure of data element identification. Identification is narrowly defined to encompass only the means to establish unique identification of data elements within a register. It defines the identifying attributes; describes the relationship of the attributes to…
Lecture des compteurs électriques - Echanges de données local et à distance - Applications et perfor...
Cette publication a le statut d'un rapport technique - type 3.
Il donne des exemples d'exigences de
performance concernant l'échange de données local et à distance
entre les distributeurs et leurs clients à l'aide de communications
bidirectionnelles. Les exigences de performance fournissent des
informations aux distributeurs pour la spécification de systèmes
Conteneurs pour le transport de marchandises — Codage, identification et marquage
1.1 La présente Norme internationale fournit un système pour l'identification et la présentation d'informations relatives aux conteneurs pour le transport de marchandises. Le système d'identification est prévu pour une application générale, par exemple pour la documentation, le contrôle et les communications (y compris les systèmes de traitement automatique des données), aussi bien…
Freight containers — Coding, identification and marking
Provides a system for general application for the identification and presentation of information about freight containers. Specifies a identification system with mandatory marks for visual interpretation and optional features for automatic identification and electronic data interchange and a coding system for data on container size and type. Replaces the second edition, which has been technically…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Inte...
Is one of International Standards defining services and signalling protocols applicable to Private Integrated Services Networks. The series uses the ISDN concepts as developed by ITU-T and conforms to the framework of standards for Open Systems Interconnection as defined by ISO/IEC. Specifies the Name Identification Supplementary Services.
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Inte...
Is one of International Standards defining services and signalling protocols applicable to Private Integrated Services Networks. The series uses the ISDN concepts as developed by ITU-T and conforms to the framework of standards for Open Systems Interconnection as defined by ISO/IEC. Specifies the Name Identification Supplementary Services.