Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Inte...
Specifies the supplementary services Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU), Call Forwarding Busy (CFB), Call Forwarding No Reply (CFNR) and Call Deflection (CD), which are applicable to various basic services supported by Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN). Basic services are specified in ISO/IEC 11574.
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Inte...
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of Call Diversion supplementary services (SS-DIV) at the Q reference point between Private Integrated services Network Exchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network.
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers
States the characteristics of circuit breakers, the conditions with which they shall comply: (operation and behaviour in normal service, operation and behaviour in case of overload and operation and behaviour in case of short-circuit, dielectic properties), tests intended for confirming that these conditions have been met and the methods to be adopted for these tests, and information to be marked…
Appareillage à basse tension - Partie 2: Disjoncteurs
Fixe les caractéristiques des disjoncteurs; les conditions auxquels ils doivent répondre (fonctionnement et tenue en service normal, fonctionnement et tenue en cas de surcharge et en cas de court-circuit; propriétés diélectriques); les essais destinés à vérifier si ces conditions sont remplies et les méthodes à adopter pour les essais; et les informations à marquer sur les appareils ou à fournir…