Radio-frequency connectors - Part 36: Microminiature r.f. connectors with snap-on coupling - Charact...
Provides information and rules for the preparation of detailspecifications for series BMA r.f. connectors together with the pro forma blank detail specification (BDS). Prescribes mating face dimensions for general purpose connectors, dimensional details of standard test connectors grade 0, gauging information and tests selected from QC 220000 (IEC 61169-1) applicable to all detail specifications…
Connecteurs pour fréquences radioélectriques - Partie 36: Connecteurs microminiatures coaxiaux pour ...
Donne les informations et les directives pour préparer les spécifications particulières des connecteurs h.f. BMA ainsi que la spécification particulière cadre. Prescrit également les dimensions des faces d'accouplement pour connecteurs d'usage général, les dimension des connecterus d'essai normalisés de niveau 0, les informations sur les calibres et les essais issues de la QC…
Information technology — International Standardized Profile — Common upper layer requirements — Part...
Documents ROSE-specific requirements over and above the common upper layer requirements specified in ISO/IEC ISP 11188-3. Specifies the use of the connection-mode protocols of the ACSE, the ROSE and the Presentation and Session layers of OSI.
Information technology - Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service - Part 2: Pr...
Differs from the other related International Standards by the layers defined in ISO/IEC 7498-1. In particular, it defines the way in which a local area network that conforms to ISO/IEC 8802 may be used as a subnetwork within the network layer to provide the abstract underlying service with respect to which the protocol defined by ISO/IEC 8473-1 is specified.
Information technology — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Part 2: Pr...
Differs from the other related International Standards by the layers defined in ISO/IEC 7498-1. In particular, it defines the way in which a local area network that conforms to ISO/IEC 8802 may be used as a subnetwork within the network layer to provide the abstract underlying service with respect to which the protocol defined by ISO/IEC 8473-1 is specified.
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and...
Establishes general principles for describing the structure of information about systems and of systems themselves. These principles are general and are intended to be applicable to all technical areas. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
Systèmes industriels, installations et appareils, et produits industriels - Principes de structurati...
Etablit les principes généraux applicables à la structuration des informations concernant les systèmes et des systèmes eux-mêmes. Ces principes sont généraux et sont destinés à s'appliquer à tous les domaines techniques. Elle a le statut d'une norme horizontale conformément au Guide 108 de la CEI.