Information technology — Message Handling Systems (MHS) management — Part 1: Model and architecture
Establishes a model for MHS Management which is consistent with the management layers defined in TMN. Developes an architecture for managing MHS Systems which is consistent with OSI Systems management.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Object Management Functi...
Includes tables, which document the mandatory and optional management information specific to the Object Management Function. Will be used by Profile specifiers, for example those developing International Standardized Profiles (ISPs), to specify and explicit subset of capability, which will afford interoperability between implementations.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: State Management Functio...
Includes tables, which document the mandatory and optional management information specific to the State Management Function. Will be used by Profile specifiers, for example those developing International Standardized Profiles (ISPs), to specify and explicit subset of capability, which will afford interoperability between implementations.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Attributes for represent...
Includes tables, which document the mandatory and optional management information specific to the Attributes for Representing Relationships Recommendation. Will be used by Profile specifiers, for example those developing International Standardized Profiles (ISPs), to specify and explicit subset of capability, which will afford interoperability between implementations.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Log control function — A...
Includes tables, which document the mandatory and optional management information specific to the Log Control Management Function. Will be used by Profile specifiers, for example those developing International Standardized Profiles (ISPs), to specify and explicit subset of capability, which will afford interoperability between implementations.