Information technology - Test methods for measuring conformance to Open Systems Interconnection (OSI...
The purpose is to specify the requirements for test methods for measuring conformance to ISO/IEC 14364, which defines a C programming language binding to the general-purpose OSI Abstract Data Manipulation (OM) Application Program Interface (API). Identical to IEEE 1224.2-1993.
Information technology - Directory services - Application Program Interface (API) (Language independ...
The purpose is to define an application program interface (API) to directory services, including, but not limited to, the services described in ISO/IEC 9594 and the CCITT X.500 Series recommendations in terms that are independent of any particular programming language. Identical to IEEE 1224.2-1993.
Information technology - Test methods for measuring conformance to MHS based electronic messaging C ...
The purpose is to specify the requirements for test methods for measuring conformance to ISO/IEC 14365 which defines a C programming language binding to the X.400-based Electronic Application Program Interface (API). Identical to IEEE 1328.1-1993.
Information technology - MHS-based electronic messaging C language interfaces - Binding for Applicat...
The purpose is to define a C programming language binding for the X.400-based electronic messaging Application Program Interface (API) that is defined in ISO/IEC 14361. Identical to IEEE 1327.1-1993
Information technology - Programming languages - Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language
Gives definition of the language Modula-2 and its standard library and specifications for symbols for Modula-2 program representation, lexical and syntactic structure and the semantics of Modula-2 programs, the interface to library modules, modules of the standard library, rules for use of the language, criteria for size and complexity of programs and requirements for implementation.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles FVT1nn — Virtual Terminal Basic Class —...
Is defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in accordance with the principles specified in ISO/IEC TR 10000. The context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base standards, profiles and registration mechanisms.
Information technology — Test methods for measuring conformance to directory services — Application ...
Defines test methods for the language-independent specification contained in ISO/IEC 14392 of the application program interface (API) to directory services. Identical to IEEE 1326.2-1993.