Information technology — Programming languages — Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language
Gives definition of the language Modula-2 and its standard library and specifications for symbols for Modula-2 program representation, lexical and syntactic structure and the semantics of Modula-2 programs, the interface to library modules, modules of the standard library, rules for use of the language, criteria for size and complexity of programs and requirements for implementation.
Information technology — MHS-based electronic messaging C language interfaces — Binding for Applicat...
The purpose is to define a C programming language binding for the X.400-based electronic messaging Application Program Interface (API) that is defined in ISO/IEC 14361. Identical to IEEE 1327.1-1993
Information technology — Test methods for measuring conformance to Open Systems Interconnection (OSI...
The purpose is to specify the requirements for test methods for measuring conformance to ISO/IEC 14364, which defines a C programming language binding to the general-purpose OSI Abstract Data Manipulation (OM) Application Program Interface (API). Identical to IEEE 1224.2-1993.
Information technology — Test methods for measuring conformance to MHS based electronic messaging C ...
The purpose is to specify the requirements for test methods for measuring conformance to ISO/IEC 14365 which defines a C programming language binding to the X.400-based Electronic Application Program Interface (API). Identical to IEEE 1328.1-1993.
Information technology — Directory services — Application Program Interface (API) (Language independ...
The purpose is to define an application program interface (API) to directory services, including, but not limited to, the services described in ISO/IEC 9594 and the CCITT X.500 Series recommendations in terms that are independent of any particular programming language. Identical to IEEE 1224.2-1993.
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Generic upper layers security: Security Exch...
Specifies a set of generic facilities to assist in the provision of security services in application layer protocols. Relates to the Security Exchange Service Element (SESE) and defines the service. Identical to ITU-T Rec. X.831.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles FVT1nn — Virtual Terminal Basic Class —...
The content of the document is defined within the context of Functional Standardization, in accordance with the principles specified in ISO/IEC TR 10000. The context of Functional Standardization is one part of the overall field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base standards, profiles and registration mechanisms.
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Generic upper layers security: Security Exch...
Specifies a set of generic facilities to assist in the provision of security services in application layer protocols. Relates to the Security Exchange Service Element (SESE) and defines the service. Identical to ITU-T Rec. X.831.