Information technology — Distributed Transaction Processing — The XA Specification
Specifies the bidirectional interface between a transaction manager and a resource manager (the XA interface) in an X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) environment. Technically identical to X/Open CAE Specification. Contains also the text of the X/Open DTP Reference Model Version 3.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles — OSI Management — Management functions...
Specifies the General summarization capabilities profile, AOM2531, which is applicable to end systems operating in the Open System Interconnection (OSI) environment.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles FVT3nn — Virtual Terminal Basic Class —...
Contains the definition of a font assignment type that enables a font assignment value to be specified as a font resource property-list in accordance with ISO/IEC 9541-1.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles AVT1n, AVT2n — Virtual Terminal Basic C...
Specifies a common RL for the supporting layer protocols that shall be incorporated by reference into each VT Application Profile specified in other parts of ISO/IEC ISP 11187.
Plastics — Plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-P) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Desig...
Establishes a system of designation for plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-P) which may be used as the basis for specifications. PVC-P plastics are differentiated by a classification system based on appropriate levels of properties such as Shore hardness, density and torsional-stiffness temperature at 300 MPa and on information about physical form, intended application, additives and colorants…
Information technology — Text and office systems — Document Printing Application (DPA) — Part 2: Pro...
Specifies the abstract syntax of the Document Printing Application (DPA) access protocol, how this protocol supports the DPA abstract service, the mapping of the DPA onto the services used and the requirements for conformance with the DPA access protocol.
Information and documentation — Format for information exchange
Specifies the requirements for a generalized exchange format suitable for bibliographic descriptions. Describes a framework for communications between data processing systems. Replaces the second edition.
Information et documentation — Format pour l'échange d'information
La présente Norme internationale fixe les prescriptions relatives à un format d'échange général qui contiendra des notices donnant les descriptions des documents de tout type susceptibles d'être inclus dans une bibliographie, ainsi que d'autres sortes de notices. Elle ne précise ni la taille ni le contenu des enregistrements, et n'attribue aucune valeur aux étiquettes, aux…