Plastics — Carbon and environmental footprint of biobased plastics — Part 4: Environmental (total) f...
This document provides life cycle assessment (LCA) requirements and guidance to assess impacts over the life cycle of biobased plastic products, materials and polymer resins, which are partly or wholly based on biobased constituents.
The applications of LCA as such are outside the scope of this document. Clarifications, considerations, practices, simplifications and options for the different…
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
This document specifies the requirements of a performance indicator for libraries and establishes a set of indicators to be used by libraries of all types. It also provides guidance on how to implement performance indicators in libraries where such indicators are not already in use.
This document is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. However, not all performance indicators…
Information technology - Business operational view - Part 10: IT-enabled coded domains as semantic c...
This document specifies the fundamental principles governing coded domains, identification and description of the coded domains from the BOV view, the rules governing the rule-base of coded domains, the rules for management of ID codes, rules for specifying Human Interface Equivalents (HIEs) to an ID Code, the relations between the coded domain and controlled vocabularies, the rules governing the…
Information technology — Business operational view — Part 10: IT-enabled coded domains as semantic c...
This document specifies the fundamental principles governing coded domains, identification and description of the coded domains from the BOV view, the rules governing the rule-base of coded domains, the rules for management of ID codes, rules for specifying Human Interface Equivalents (HIEs) to an ID Code, the relations between the coded domain and controlled vocabularies, the rules governing the…
Norme nord-américaine sur les fenêtres/Spécification relative aux fenêtres, aux portes et aux lanter...
1 Domaine d’application
1.1 Généralités
Il existe un commentaire pour cet article.
Cette norme (spécification) s’applique aux fenêtres, portes, SSP, TDD, fenêtres de toit et lanterneaux
ouvrants et fixes de nouvelles constructions et de remplacement. Cette norme (spécification)
établit pour les fenêtres, les portes, les SSP, les TDD, les fenêtres de toit et les lanterneaux des
exigences en…
Information technology - Database languages SQL - Part 3: Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI)
ISO/IEC 9075-3:2016 defines the structures and procedures that can be used to execute statements of the database language SQL from within an application written in a programming language in such a way that procedures used are independent of the SQL statements to be executed.