Environmental testing - Part 2-17: Tests - Test Q: Sealing
IEC 60068-2-17:2023 deals with seal tests applicable to the external and internal detection in container sealing of gross leaks and fine leaks to determine the effectiveness of seals of specimens. For further tests to verify the ability of enclosures, covers and seals to maintain components and equipment in good working order, IEC 60068‑2‑18 can be helpful.
This fifth edition cancels and…
Information technologies — JPEG systems — Part 5: JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF)
This document describes the JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF), which provides a universal format to embed any type of metadata in any box-based JPEG file format. This document defines the syntax of the JUMBF box and the mechanism to assign specific content types. In particular, this document specifies XML, JSON, CBOR, Embedded File, codestream and UUID types. In addition, this document…
Health informatics — Standard communication protocol — Computer-assisted electrocardiography
This document specifies the common conventions required for the interchange of specific patient data (demographic, recording conditions ...), ECG signal data and metadata, ECG measurements and ECG annotations, and ECG interpretation results.
This document specifies the content and structure of the information which may be interchanged between digital ECG electrocardiographs/devices and computer…
Information technologies - JPEG systems - Part 5: JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF)
This document describes the JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF), which provides a universal format to embed any type of metadata in any box-based JPEG file format. This document defines the syntax of the JUMBF box and the mechanism to assign specific content types. In particular, this document specifies XML, JSON, CBOR, Embedded File, codestream and UUID types. In addition, this document…
Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on ...
This document specifies a data model and encoding rules for the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags for items appropriate for the needs of all types of libraries (including national, academic, public, corporate, special, and school libraries). The rules for encoding a subset of data elements taken from the total set of data elements defined in ISO 28560-1 are based on ISO/IEC 15962…
Gestion des ressources linguistiques — Cadre d'annotation sémantique (SemAF) — Partie 14: Séman...
Le présent document étend l’ISO 24617-7:2020, qui spécifie des manières d’annoter l’information spatiale en langue naturelle, comme l’anglais, en établissant une sémantique formelle pour sa syntaxe abstraite. La tâche de la sémantique proposée est de deux natures:
a) transposition des structures d’annotation en formes sémantiques;
b) interprétation des formes logiques en théorie des…
Language resource management — Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) — Part 14: Spatial semantics
This document extends ISO 24617-7:2020, which specifies ways of annotating spatial information in natural language such as English, by establishing a formal semantics for its abstract syntax. The task of the proposed semantics is of two kinds:
a) translation of annotation structures to semantic forms;
b) model-theoretic interpretation of semantic forms.
Semantic forms are represented…
Health informatics — Information model for quality control of traditional Chinese medicinal products
This document specifies an information model representing the quality control of the manufacturing process of traditional Chinese medicinal products by defining a set of domain constraints of sanctioned characteristics, each composed of a relationship.
It is applicable to the quality supervision and management of manufacturing process of Chinese materia medica.
Japanese KAMPO medicine is outside…
Imaging materials — Methods for measuring indoor light stability of photographic prints — Part 1: Ge...
This document provides information and general guidance about the methods for measuring the indoor light stability of reflection prints, both colour and monochrome, transparent or translucent films, and photographic prints for backlit displays. This document is relevant to the selection and operation of the methods of exposure to radiation and environmental stress factors described in detail in…
Chaussures — Pointures — Conversion des systèmes de pointures
Le présent document fournit trois tableaux de conversion des pointures de chaussures qui couvrent les principaux systèmes de pointures de chaussures (le système Mondopoint, le système européen et le système utilisé au Royaume-Uni), ainsi que les systèmes utilisés respectivement en Chine, au Japon, en République de Corée et aux États-Unis. Ces tableaux sont fondés sur le mesurage de la longueur du…