Textile Test Methods Textiles - Tests for Colourfastness - Part E03:
Colourfastness to Chlorinated...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the
colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of active
chlorine in concentrations such as are used to disinfect swimming-bath water
(break-point chlorination).
Three alternative test conditons are…
Textile Test Methods Wool - Determination of Percentage of Medullated Fibresby the Projection Micro...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO
This International Standard specifies a method of test for determining the
percentage of medullated wool fibres by means of the projection microscope.
The method is applicable to woollen and worsted products, at all stages, from
raw materials to yarn.
Textile Test Methods Wool - Determination of Alkali Content
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the
alkali content of wool.
The method is applicable to undyed wool in any form; for example, loose fibres,
card sliver, tops, yarn or fabric. It can be used with dyed wool if the amount
of dye extracted in the course of the…
Textile Test Methods Wool - Determination of Acid Content
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO
This International Standard specifies a method for determining the acid content
of a wool sample, expressed as a percentage by mass.
This method is applicable to undyed wool in any form, for example loose fibre,
sliver, yarn or fabric. It is also applicable to dyed wool when the amount of
Standard for Burglary Resistant Vault Doors and Modular Panels
1.1 These requirements cover vault doors and vault modular panels (for use in
the construction of vault floors, walls and ceilings), of the type intended for
use in financial institutions, commercial, industrial and mercantile
properties, and the like, and that are relied upon to protect the contents of
enclosed spaces from burglary attack.
Note: Requirements for fire resistant…
Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document
Architecture (ODA) and Intercha...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 8613-2:1989. The purpose of ISO 8613 is to
facilitate the interchange of documents. This part of ISO 8613
- defines a document architecture intended for representation of
- defines a document processing model;
- defines the document structures, the basic constituents of the
architecture and a…
Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document
Architecture (ODA) and Intercha...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 8613-6:1989. The purpose of ISO 8613 is to
facilitate the interchange of documents. This part of ISO 8613
- defines character content architectures that can be used in
conjunction with the document architecture defined in ISo
- defines the internal structure of content conforming to these…
Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document
Architecture (ODA) and Intercha...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 8613-7:1989. The purpose of ISO 8613 is to
facilitate the interchange of documents. This part of ISO 8613
- the raster graphics content architectures that can be used in
conjunction with the document architecture defined in ISo
- the internal structure of content portions that are…
Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document
Architecture (ODA) and Intercha...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 8613-8:1989. The purpose of ISO 8613 is to
facilitate the interchange of documents. This part of ISO 8613:
- defines a geometric graphics content architecture that can be
used in conjunction with the document architecture defined in
ISO 8613-2;
- defines an interface which allows the use of content…
This National Standard of Canada is identical in content and in
layout with International Standard IEC 73-1984. It specifies
colours and establishes a convention for their use in indicator
lights and for push-buttons whenever such devices are employed.