Solid mineral fuels — Determination of phorphorus content — Reduced molybdophosphate photometric met...
For taking the phosphorus into solution the following two methods are specified: The carbonaceous material is removed by ashing in amuffle furnace under specified conditions and the phosphorus is extracted by treatment with hydrofluoric and sulphuric acids. The carbonaceous material is removed by repeated oxidation with nitric acid in the presence of sulphuric acid. The determination is carried…
Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of zinc content — PAN...
The 1-(2-pyridilazo)-2-naphthol method is applicable to products having zinc contents in the range between 0,002 % (m/m) and 0,12 % (m/m). Alkaline fusion of a test portion, and dissolution of the fused mass in nitric acid. Separation of the zinc in the form of its thiocyanate by extraction with 4-methylpentan-2-one. Re-extraction of the zinc with an aqueous hydrochloric acid solution. Formation…
Light olefins for industrial use — Determination of traces of water — Karl Fischer method
Describes a method applicable to products having water contents between 10 and 100 mg/kg. Specifies the manner of applications of the Karl-Fischer method, whose principle and chemical reaction are given in ISO 760 which should also be used for higher water contents as sampling is not valid when there is a risk that condensation of water may occur. The principle consists in absorbing the traces of…
Bank operations — Authorized signature lists and their representation on microfiche
Specification of size, layout and content of the master form, including graphical requirements, for autorized signatrue lists used as source documents by banks. It refers to signature lists transmitted as paper documents, and also specifies their representation on microfiche.
Fruits, vegetables and derived products — Qualitative method for the detection of sulphur dioxide
The method is applicable to products having contents of 2 mg or more per kilogram. It consists in acidification of a test portion and decolourizing by the liberated gas of a starch indicator paper previously coloured blue by a trace of iodine vapour.
Essential oils — Determination of 1,8-cineole content
The determination is carried out by measurement of the crystallization temperature of a mixture of essential oil and o-cresol. This temperature depends on the 1,8-cineole content of the essential oil. A table gives the 1,8-cineole content as a function of the crystallization temperature of the essential oil/o-cresol mixture.