Fruits and vegetables — Principles and techniques of the controlled atmosphere method of storage
Description of two types of controlled atmospheres: type 1 with slightly reduced oxygen content and more or less enriched in carbon dioxide in such a way that the sum of the contents is 21 % (V/V); type 2 in such a way that the sum of the oxygen and the cabon dioxide contents is below 21 % (V/V). Specification of the method of regulation of atmospheres, of chambers for controlled atmosphere…
Textile Test Methods Nonfibrous Materials on Textiles
This method is intended for the removal and quantitative
determination of certain types of nonfibrous materials that may
be present on textiles. Reference should also be made to
CAN/CGSB-4.2 Nos. 40-M and 42-M.
Surface active agents — Detergents — Determination of cationic-active matter content — Part 1: High-...
An aliquot portion of a standard solution of sodium lauryl sulfate is titrated with a solution of the test sample, according to the direct two-phase titration procedure describes in ISO 2271. The method is applicable to solids or to aqueous solutions of the active material. The relative molecular mass of the cationic-active matter shall be known or previously determined if its content is…
Rubber — Determination of total sulfur content — Part 3: Furnace combustion method
The method is applicable to determine the total sulfur present in the material including sulfur present as barium sulphate, calcium sulphate and lithopone. Covers chlorinated rubbers, nitrile rubbers and hydrocarbon rubbers including natural rubbers. Is not affected by the presence of metal salts. Parts 1 and 2 of this standard give alternative methods.
Textile Test Methods Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures - Binary
Mixtures Containing Nylon 6...
This method describes a procedure for the quantitative analysis
of binary mixtures of nylon 6 or nylon 6,6 with cotton, wool and
regenerated cellulose fibres (regular viscose, high-tenacity
viscose and high-wet-modulus rayon (modal)) by removal of the
nylon 6 or nylon 6,6 component. The method is intended only for
mixtures of fibres that have not suffered marked chemical
Textile Test Methods Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures - Binary
Mixtures Containing Wool - ...
Describes a procedure for the quantitative analysis of binary
mixtures of wool with any of the following fibres, by removal of
the wool component: cotton, nylon, viscose rayon, and polyester.
Textile Test Methods Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures - Binary
Mixtures Containing Wool - ...
Describes a procedure for the quantitative analysis of binary
mixtures of wool with any of the following fibres, by removal of
the nonwool component: cotton, nylon, and viscose rayon.