Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of loss in mass at 105 degrees C
The method is based on drying a test portion at 105 °C and determination of the loss in mass, which corresponds to the content of water and other components volatile at that temperature. Applies to fluorspars, which may be dried material containing not less than 0,02 % (m/m) of components volatile at 105 °C, or filter cake.
Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of barium sulfate content — Gravimetric metho...
The method is based on evaporation to dryness of a test portion in the presence of hydrofluoric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid, extraction of the soluble salts from the mixture, filtration, drying and weighing of the residual barium sulfate. Applies to products having barium sulfate contents equal to or greater than 0,1 % (m/m).