Information technology — Generic digital audio-visual systems — Technical Report on ISO/IEC 16500 — ...
This Technical Report describes the functions that may be supported by systems using ISO/IEC 16500. These
functions have been derived by analyzing the requirements of a number of example applications from the
viewpoints of a range of participants, including:
_ content providers _ IPR holders
_ service providers _ rights collection agencies
_ delivery system providers _ regulatory authorities
Information technology - Generic digital audio-visual systems - Part 6: Information representation
This part of ISO/IEC 16500 takes a practical approach to the specification of Information Representation. Just the
information types that cannot be dispensed with in producing the set of DAVIC applications (viz. broadcast, movies
on demand, home shopping, etc.) are specified. The approach taken in this part of ISO/IEC 16500 starts by defining
the various monomedia information types. They include…
Information technology - Generic digital audio-visual systems - Part 8: Management architecture and ...
This part of ISO/IEC 16500 describes the management architecture and protocol for managing the DAVIC
System. The DAVIC system management architecture is the TMN-based (Telecommunication Management
Network) architecture defined in ITU-T Recommendation M.3010. This management architecture allows for
automatic administration, configuration, monitoring, billing, and maintenance of the Service…
Information technology - Generic digital audio-visual systems - Technical Report on ISO/IEC 16500 - ...
This Technical Report describes the functions that may be supported by systems using ISO/IEC 16500. These
functions have been derived by analyzing the requirements of a number of example applications from the
viewpoints of a range of participants, including:
_ content providers _ IPR holders
_ service providers _ rights collection agencies
_ delivery system providers _ regulatory authorities
Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture descri...
ISO/IEC 8632 provides a file format suitable for the storage and retrieval of picture description information. The file
format consists of an ordered set of elements that may be used to describe pictures in a way that is compatible
between systems of different architectures, compatible with devices of differing capabilities and design, and
meaningful to application constituencies. This picture…
Steel and iron — Determination of chromium content — Indirect titration method
This International Standard specifies a potentiometric titration method for the determination of chromium content in
steel and iron.
The method is applicable to chromium contents between 1 % (m/m) and 35 % (m/m).
Vanadium contents in steel and iron should be less than 1 % (m/m) for chromium contents higher than 10 % (m/m)
and less than 0,2 % (m/m) for chromium contents less than 10 % (m/m).
Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture descri...
ISO/IEC 8632 provides a file format suitable for the storage and retrieval of picture description information. The file
format consists of an ordered set of elements that may be used to describe pictures in a way that is compatible
between systems of different architectures, compatible with devices of differing capabilities and design, and
meaningful to application constituencies. This picture…
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of...
This International Standard describes a method for determining the sulfur content of pitch used in the production of
aluminium. The method is applicable to pitches of both coal tar and petroleum origin, provided that they contain
between 0,1 % and 4,0 % by mass of sulfur.
Information technology — Message Handling Systems (MHS): Electronic Data Interchange Messaging Syste...
This Recommendation | International Standard is one of a series on message handling. The entire set provides a
comprehensive blueprint for a Message Handling System (MHS) realized by any number of cooperating open systems.
The purpose of an MHS is to enable users to exchange messages on a store-and-forward basis. A message submitted on
behalf of one user, the originator, is conveyed by the…