Guide to the use of variable capacitors in electronic equipment
Provides a guide to the methods which should be followed by users for the handling and mounting of variable capacitors. Gives specific information on package and storage, mounting and assembly, soldering and connecting leads, adjustment, lubrication and miscellaneous causes of damage. Should be used in conjunction with IEC 60418-1.
Applies to power transformers complying with IEC 76. Object is to assist purchasers in the determination and selection of transformer characteristics at the time of purchase and subsequent usage. Comprises clauses on specification of tapping quantities, selection of winding connections for transformers for three-phase systems, parallel operation of transformers in three-phase systems (appendix…
Guide d'application pour les transformateurs de puissance
S'applique aux transformateurs de puissance répondant aux spécifications de la CEI 76. A pour but de constituer une aide pour la détermination et le choix des caractéristiques des transformateurs au moment de l'achat et, plus tard, lors de l'utilisation du transformateur. Comprend des articles sur les spécifications des grandeurs de prise, le choix du mode de connexion des…
Radio-frequency connectors. Part 8: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 6...
Concerns patterns for r.f. coaxial connectors which may preferably be used with r.f. cables 96 IEC 60050-3. These connector patterns are for low power, quick connect/disconnect applications using a bayonet type coupling mechanism and are commonly known as Type BNC.
High-voltage cable plug and socket connections for medical X-ray equipment
Deals with essential dimensions to ensure mechanical interchangeability recommended dimensions, wiring connections to contacts of plug and socket, and marking of contacts of plug and socket. The contents of the corrigendum of April 2010 have been included in this copy.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers portable fuel tanks with a rated capacity of not more than 30 L (7 Canadian gallons), designed to be connected to gasoline-fuelled engines aboard boats by flexible fuel lines which may be disconnected for refilling and portability.
1.2 This Standard applies to fuel tank and fuel line assemblies and components to the point of connection at the engine,…
These requirements cover the design and construction of Type B
(round or oval) and Type BW Gas Vents. Type B Gas Vents are
intended for the venting of flue gases, having temperatures not
exceeding 470 degrees F, from certified gas-fired appliances with
draft hoods or diverters. Type BW Gas Vents are intended for the
venting of flue gases from gas-fired recessed heaters and the
maximum input…
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure — Laying length and...
Specification of the metric series of diameters to be used and of dimensions, which are common to all types of PVC-adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure to secure the connection to existing metal pipes and/or fittings with pipe threads.