Series capacitors for power systems - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety req...
Applies both to capacitor units and capacitor banks intended to be used connected in series with an a.c. transmission or distribution line or circuit forming part of an a.c. power system having a frequency of 15 Hz to 60 Hz. The series capacitor units and banks are usually intended for high voltage power systems. This standard is applicable to the complete voltage range. Note:For internal fuses…
1. Scope
1.1 General
This Standard applies to the electrical requirements for park model trailers
that are intended to be connected by a cord and attachment plug to a source of
electrical supply not exceeding 250 V between conductors or 150 V to ground and
50 A maximum in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part
1.2 Nonapplicable Types
This Standard does…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard provides the definition of the term park model trailer as used in the CAN/CSA-Z241 Series, Park Model Trailers. It also gives general safety requirements that apply to the other Standards in the CAN/CSA-Z241 Series.
1.1 Requirement Specification This Standard specifies vehicular requirements for park model trailers including minimum…
Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
Applies to electromechanical air break contactors for household and similar purposes provided with main contacts intended to be connected to circuits the rated voltage of which does not exceed 440 V a.c. with rated operational currents less than or equal to 63 A for utilization category AC-7a and 32 A for utilization category AC-7b, and rated conditional short-circuit current less than or equal…
Series 1 freight containers — Interface connections for tank containers — Amendment 1: Sections 3 an...
Adds section 3 (Man-hole openings and man-hole lids for tank containers of type codes 70 to 76 and 85 to 88), section 4 (Inlet and outlet connection screw threads for tank containers of type codes 70 to 76 and 85 to 88), and Annex A (Bibliography).
General Requirements, Design Criteria, the Environment, and Loads
1.1 General
This Standard sets forth requirements and guidance on design principles, safety
levels, and loads to be used in connection with the design, construction,
transportation, installation, and decommissioning of fixed offshore structures.
It is intended to cover all such fixed offshore structures, or parts thereof,
including the main deck and topside structures,…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Formal descr...
Describes interface data types, global constraints, provision of a transport connection, local constraints for a transport connection endpoint, end-to-end constraints for a single transport connection, identification of transport connections, acceptance of transport connections, flow control by backpressure, connectionless-mode transmission.
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Formal descr...
Describes interface data types, global constraints, provision of a transport connection, local constraints for a transport connection endpoint, end-to-end constraints for a single transport connection, identification of transport connections, acceptance of transport connections, flow control by backpressure, connectionless-mode transmission.
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for use in oil burners — Specification
Specifies the minimum requirements for two types of hose assembly: hose assemblies for flux and reflux, but not for insertion between the oil burner pump and the atomizing connection, maximum working pressure 1,0 MPa (10 bar), maximum oil temperature 100 °C (type 1) and hose assemblies for insertion between the oil burner pump and the atomizing connection, working pressure 4,0 MPa (40 bar),…
Performance standards in building — Definition and calculation of area and space indicators
In defining area measurement, uses the intra-muros and extra-muros concept. The indicators defined are intended for practical use, as a basis for measuring various aspects of the performance of buildings or as a planning aid. Intended to be used when establishing 1) specifications for the geometric performance of a building and its spaces, 2) technical documentation relating to the performance of…