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Code de la Classification internationale pour les normes (ICS)
Code de l’organisme d’élaboration de normes (OEN)
Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Ergonomics of human-system interaction — Part 810: Robotic, intelligent and autonomous systems
This document addresses: — physically embodied RIA systems, such as robots and autonomous vehicles with which users will physically interact; — systems embedded within the physical environment with which users do not consciously interact, but which collect data and/or modify the environment within which people live or work such as smart building and, mood-detection; — intelligent…
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Health informatics — Metadata repository requirements (MetaRep)
This document describes requirements for collections of metadata about data elements and their containing models and datasets in a healthcare environment. The collection can serve as a repository or as dictionary describing a set of items in use in a particular domain, organisation or product for reference, or it can additionally serve as a registry, supporting the development and communication…
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Artificial intelligence across industries
Artificial intelligence (AI) is continuously making inroads into domains previously reserved to humans. Robots support workers in the manufacturing sector; digital assistants automate office tasks; intelligent appliances order food based on owners’ preferences or control lighting and temperature in the home in preparation of their arrival. Increasingly sophisticated algorithms have the potential…
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Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)...
quality in terms of characteristics defined in ISO/IEC 25012. This International Standard contains the following: — a basic set of data quality measures for each characteristic; — a basic set of target entities to which the quality measures are applied during the data-life-cycle; — an explanation of how to apply data quality measures; — a guidance for organizations defining their own measures for…
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Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)...
ISO/IEC 25024:2015 defines data quality measures for quantitatively measuring the data quality in terms of characteristics defined in ISO/IEC 25012. ISO/IEC 25024:2015 contains the following: - a basic set of data quality measures for each characteristic; - a basic set of target entities to which the quality measures are applied during the data-life-cycle; - an explanation of how…
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Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems
IEC 61362:2012 includes relevant technical data necessary to describe hydraulic turbine governing systems and to define their performance. It is aimed at unifying and thus facilitating the selection of relevant parameters in bidding specifications and technical bids. It will also serve as a basis for setting up technical guarantees. The scope of this standard is restricted to the turbine…
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TECHNICAL GUIDEDevelopment, interpretation, and use of rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) i...
Introduction to this Guideline Water resources management infrastructures comprise one of the largest pools of capital stock owned and operated by municipal, provincial, and federal governments in Canada. In turn, every day Canadians rely on this infrastructure to help sustain their health and safety, protect their livelihoods, safeguard property, as well as to protect natural systems such…
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Environmental claims: A guide for industry and advertisers
1 Introduction 1.1 General Canadian consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental performance of products. For example, consumers are concerned about the resources and energy used to produce products, and about the sustainability of the product design (can it be reused or recycled? is it biodegradable? is it made of recycled materials?) among other issues. This has led…
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13.020.10; 13.020.10
Fuel Safety Training (Module X) - Student Package (Second edition, April 1998)
Introduction The Fuel Safety Handbook is intended to provide the basic information which is essential to gas technicians working with natural gas and propane fuel gases in Ontario. The Fuel Safety Handbook is intended to address the knowledge needed by Ontario gas technicians seeking to fulfill the requirements of the new Training and Certification Regulation (348/96) under the Energy Act,…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
75.180; 75.180
Coding of Work Injury or Disease Information
1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Standard is to provide a framework for consistent recording and classification of information on work-related injuries and diseases in Canada. Such information may be used to make comparisons, identify trends, and help determine issues for further study. 1.2 Scope This Standard (a) establishes a coding structure for the recording of…
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