Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel (Industrial Radiography
1. Scope
1.1 This standard provides recommended course guidelines for the minimum
essential training of, and a procedure for the certification of three
levles of personnel to perform industrial radiography according to
generally accepted and recognized procedures and techniques.
1.2 Such certification shall provide recognition of the qualifications and…
2.1 Introduction
Liquid penetrant inspectin is a nondestructive testing method capable of
locating discontinuities such as laps, folds, cracks and porosity which are
open to the surface of a material or component. Penetrant techniques can be
used on materials independent of their physical properties provided the surface
is normally nonabsorbent and compatible with the penetrant process.
Recommended Practices for Magnetic Particle Inspection of Commercial Steel
Castings, Forgings and ...
1. Scope
1.1 These recommended practices outline general procedures for the magnetic
particle method of inspecting commercial steel castings, forgings and
weldments. This general inspection method is applicable only when
referenced to and supplemented by a detailed component specification.
1.2 The method is suitable for detection of surface and near-…
Electromechanical components for electronic equipment; basic testing procedures and measuring method...
The tests contained in this standard, when required by the detail specification, shall be used for electromechanical components having an inherent connecting or switching function intended for use in equipment for telecommunication and in electronic devices employing similar techniques.
Electromechanical components for electronic equipment; basic testing procedures and measuring method...
Specifies the tests which shall be used, when required, by the detail specification for electromechanical components having a connecting or switching function; intended for use in equipment for telecommunication and in electronic devices employing
similar techniques.
Méthodes recommandées pour le contrôle par ultrasons des soudures
1. OBJEt
1.1 La présente norme s'applique au contrôle par ultrasons des soudures
bout à bout réalisées sur des pièces de plus de 6 mm (0.2 po) d'épaisseur,
ainsi qu'à celui des soudures d'angles et des soudures en T lorsqu'il est
possible de définir des méthodes de contrôle convenables. Elle définit les
exigences minimales relatives à l'appereillage, les…
Pulse techniques and apparatus - Part 2: Pulse measurement and analysis, general considerations
Gives the definitions and descriptions of the techniques and procedures for time domain pulse measurements. The definitions and descriptions are independent of specific devices, apparatus, instruments or computing devices which may be used in pulse measurements.