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Code de la Classification internationale pour les normes (ICS)
Code de l’organisme d’élaboration de normes (OEN)
Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 51 - 60 de 75
Smart community infrastructures — Guidance on smart transportation for energy saving in transportati...
This document provides guidance on reducing the energy consumed by transportation for passengers, delivery items, freight and postal item services in cities and city zones. This document does not designate specific procedures to save energy but suggests energy-saving options to be adopted in transportation systems normally organized in different locations, on different scales and for different…
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Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.01; 13.020.20
Smart community infrastructures — Smart transportation for newly developing areas
This document specifies a procedure to arrange smart transportation for newly developing areas, including transportation services between the area and existing city centres. This document does not designate procedures for constructing smart transportation facilities.
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Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.01; 13.020.20
Information technology - Upper level ontology for smart city indicators
This document establishes general principles and gives guidelines for an indicator upper level ontology (IULO) for smart cities that enables the representation of indicator definitions and the data used to derive them. It includes: - concepts (e.g., indicator, population, cardinality); and - properties that relate concepts (e.g., cardinality_of, parameter_of_var).
Éditeur :
Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
13.020.20; 35.240.99
Information technology — Upper level ontology for smart city indicators
This document establishes general principles and gives guidelines for an indicator upper level ontology (IULO) for smart cities that enables the representation of indicator definitions and the data used to derive them. It includes: — concepts (e.g., indicator, population, cardinality); and — properties that relate concepts (e.g., cardinality_of, parameter_of_var).
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Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
13.020.20; 35.240.99
Sustainable cities and communities — Maturity model for smart sustainable communities
This document provides a top-level maturity model for smart sustainable communities (MMSSC), which can be used for self-assessment by individual cities and communities and as the basis for cross-city benchmarking. The MMSSC is a simple way for community leaders to assess how mature their community is in its journey towards adoption of good practices as set out in ISO standards for sustainable and…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
Sustainable cities and communities — Descriptive framework for cities and communities
This document specifies a descriptive framework for a city including an associated foundational ontology of the anatomical structure of a city or community. The descriptive framework is intended to have the following qualities: — timeless, i.e. compatible with any human settlement at any time in history; — acultural, i.e. valid for any culture and any type of city; — scalable, i.e.…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Information technology - Smart city ICT indicators
This document defines a comprehensive set of evaluation indicators specially related to information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption and usage in smart cities. Firstly, it establishes an overall framework for all the indicators. Then, it specifies the name, description, classification and measurement method for each indicator.
Éditeur :
Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
13.020.20; 35.240.99
Information technology — Smart city ICT indicators
This document defines a comprehensive set of evaluation indicators specially related to information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption and usage in smart cities. Firstly, it establishes an overall framework for all the indicators. Then, it specifies the name, description, classification and measurement method for each indicator.
Éditeur :
Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
13.020.20; 35.240.99
Smart community infrastructures — Smart transportation using battery-powered buses for passenger ser...
This document specifies a procedure for the introduction of smart transportation to city centres by means of battery-powered buses. This service contributes to a clean atmosphere and a relatively quiet environment while offering services that provide safe and comfortable rides for citizens.
Éditeur :
Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.20; 13.020.20
Smart community infrastructures — Smart transportation for rapid transit in and between large city z...
This document specifies a procedure to organize smart transportation that enables one-day trips by citizens between cities and in a large city zone, including its surrounding areas, and conveys a large number of people at a high frequency in a short time over distances of up to 1 000 km. Smart transportation aims to promote political and economic work and stimulate business activity by providing…
Éditeur :
Statut :
Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.01; 13.020.20