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Code de la Classification internationale pour les normes (ICS)
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Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 41 - 50 de 145
Children’s playground equipment and surfacing
1 Scope 1.1 This Standard provides requirements for public-use playground equipment intended for use by children aged 18 months to 12 years, with anthropometric limits based on the 95th percentile. Notes: 1) The level of challenge required and desired by children varies enormously with age, physical development, and emotional development; therefore, it is almost impossible to design a piece…
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Information technology - Cloud computing - Taxonomy based data handling for cloud services
The electronic version of this International Standard can be downloaded from the ISO/IEC Information Technology Task Force (ITTF) web site. This document: - describes a framework for the structured expression of data-related policies and practices in the cloud computing environment, based on the data taxonomy in ISO/IEC 19944; - provides guidelines on application of the taxonomy for handling…
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Information technology — Cloud computing — Taxonomy based data handling for cloud services
This document: — describes a framework for the structured expression of data-related policies and practices in the cloud computing environment, based on the data taxonomy in ISO/IEC 19944; — provides guidelines on application of the taxonomy for handling of data based on data subcategory and classification; — covers expression of data-related policies and practices including, but not…
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Intelligent transport systems — Reference model architecture(s) for the ITS sector — Part 5: Require...
An intelligent transport system (ITS) reference architecture is a tool that describes how an ITS delivers one or more ITS services. It includes a high-level description of the major elements and the interconnections among them that are needed for the service(s) to be provided to stakeholders. It provides the framework around which the interfaces, specifications, and detailed ITS designs can be…
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03.220.01; 35.240.60
Framework for integration and operation of smart community infrastructures — Part 1: Recommendations...
This document describes a framework (a set of processes and methodologies) for smart community infrastructure interactions (interactions between multiple infrastructures, between infrastructures and stakeholders, and between infrastructures and the external environment) to ensure that such interactions are well identified and managed. There are two potential use cases for this document. The first…
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Incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems
IEC TR 63225:2019 highlights the problem of incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems (DC connectors) produced by different manufacturers. It addresses four particular issues in that context: background information on incompatibility of DC connectors from different manufacturers; observations and challenges concerning the handling of DC connectors from…
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Semantic interoperability: challenges in the digital transformation age
Humans use words, diagrams, images, context, but also sounds, facial expressions or body language to be understood. Machines use data and information models as well as algorithms to manipulate information, and human concepts need to be translated for machine use. Due to the exponentially growing number of systems that collect, process, and share data, machines increasingly need to be able to…
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Ethical design and use of automated decision systems
This Standard specifies minimum requirements in protecting human values and incorporating ethics in the design and use of automated decision systems. This Standard is limited to artificial intelligence (AI) using machine learning for automated decisions. This Standard applies to all organizations, including public and private companies, government entities, and not-for-profit organizations. It…
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03.100.02; 03.100.02
Measurement protocols for photovoltaic devices based on organic, dye-sensitized or perovskite materi...
IEC TR 63228:2019 summarises present perspectives on the performance evaluation of emerging PV technologies, specifically OPV, DSC and PSC devices. These devices present some challenges for accurate measurement under the existing IEC 60904 series of standards, which were developed in the context of silicon wafer solar cells. These challenges can be different for different devices, but in general…
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Microbiology of the food chain — Requirements and guidelines for conducting challenge tests of food ...
This document specifies protocols for conducting microbiological challenge tests for growth studies on vegetative and spore-forming bacteria in raw materials and intermediate or end products. The use of this document can be extended to yeasts that do not form mycelium.
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