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Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Cartes à circuits intégrés...
This part of ISO/IEC 15693 specifies the nature and characteristics of the fields to be provided for power and bi-directional communications between vicinity coupling devices (VCDs) and vicinity cards (VICCs). This part of...
Avis d'intention
Thermostats pour appareils à gaz
1.1.1 The provisions of Parts I, II, III and IV apply to newly produced gas appliance thermostats, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, in which the thermal elements and thermostatic valve are an integral...
Avis d'intention
Méthodes d'essai, exigences de marquage et niveaux...
The fourth edition of the CSA C390, Test methods, marking requirements, and energy efficiency levels for three phase induction motors has been reaffirmed twice since the 2010 publication. In the last ten years, publication...
Lignes directrices sur l’incorporation par renvoi...
Les présentes lignes directrices portent sur l’incorporation par renvoi des normes.
Avis d'intention
Accès aux données par un tiers et confidentialité...
Please note that the title, designation number, scope was updated on 2019-08-07 as requested by the responsible SDO, and an additional comment period of August 7, 2019 to August 28, 2019 applies. Cette norme établit les...
Avis d'intention
Qualité des données des stations de surveillance...
This Standard provides requirements and recommendations concerning the quality of weather data, and consists of two parts: 1) a data quality rating system, and 2) guidance on how to use and apply the rating system. The...
Avis d'intention
Code de l'opération de presse de l'alimentation...
.1 This Standard applies to the design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and operation of power presses (presses). The purpose of this Standard is to reduce the risk of injury to people working on or adjacent to...
Avis d'intention
Code for power press operation: Health, safety...
1.1 This Standard applies to the design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and operation of power presses (presses). The purpose of this Standard is to reduce the risk of injury to people working on or adjacent to...
Avis d'intention
Ingénierie des systèmes et du logiciel - Gestion...
This document provides guidance for technical and non-technical personnel at senior management levels within an organization, including those with responsibility for compliance with statuary and regulatory requirements, and...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Techniques automatiques...
This document defines a coding suite based on an exclusive or (XOR) operation for the ISO/IEC 18000 air interfaces standards for radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. In particular, it specifies the use of XOR as a...
Avis d'intention
Ventilé appareils de chauffage des locaux au ...
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced vented gas-fired space heating appliances (see Part XII, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as appliance(s), constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, and having...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Registres de ...
Scope This part of ISO/IEC 11179 restates and elaborates on the procedures and techniques of ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003 for registering classification schemes and classifying administered items in an MDR. All types of administered...