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Exigences et lignes directrices du CCN relatives...
Le présent document d’exigences et de lignes directrices fait partie d’une série de documents qui définissent les politiques et les exigences opérationnelles des programmes de base établis par le Conseil canadien des normes...
Avis d'intention
Programmes de surveillance des effluents aux ...
Scope 1.1 Facilities 1.1.1 Types of facilities This Standard addresses the design and operation of effluent monitoring programs for Class I nuclear facilities and uranium mines and mills. These facilities include (a)...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
1 This International Standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C programming language.1) It specifies - the representation of C programs; - the syntax and constraints of the C...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
1 This document specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C programming language.1) It specifies — the representation of C programs; — the syntax and constraints of the C language; — the...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
This International Standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C# programming language. It specifies - The representation of C# programs; - The syntax and constraints of the C#...
Avis d'intention
Programmes de systèmes d'aéronefs commerciaux...
This standard shall cover the minimum requirements related to the establishment and implementation of UAS programs for commercial and professional use. It shall cover the following details: the minimum training and...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
This specification describes the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C# programming language. It describes • The representation of C# programs; • The syntax and constraints of the C# language; •...
Avis d'intention
Guide de calcul des limites opérationnelles dérivées...
1.1 Facilities This Guideline and the CDG are intended to apply primarily to CANDU nuclear power stations in Canada. However, the radionuclides and environmental pathways addressed make this Guideline applicable to releases...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Spécifications...
POSIX.1-2008 defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or "shell"), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. It is...
Avis d'intention
Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design...
This Standard lays down requirements for the design qualification and type approval of terrestrial photovoltaic modules suitable for long-term operation in general open air climates, as defined in IEC 60721-2-1. This standard...
Avis d'intention
Essais de performance des systèmes d'épuration...
1.1 Facilities 1.1.1 Types of facilities Class I nuclear facilities This Standard addresses the design and execution of a nuclear air- cleaning system testing program for Class I nuclear facilities. These facilities...
Avis d'intention
Allied Health Education Standard
Remarque : Le code ICS de ce NOI a été mis à jour par l'OEN responsable le 23 avril 2024. HSO's Allied Health Education Standard aims to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of educational programs in designated health...