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Avis d'intention
Dalles de béton préfabriquées/Pavés de béton ...
This Standard specifies requirements for 1.Concrete paving slabs manufactured from hydraulic cement concrete to be used in the construction of pavement and roof coverings. It includes units with architectural finishes or...
Avis d'intention
Services de traduction
1.1 La présente norme prescrit les exigences relatives au processus de prestation de services de traduction par le fournisseur de services de traduction (FST). 1.2 La présente norme ne s’applique ni aux services d...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Objet orienté...
This document specifies an interface of a BioAPI Java framework and BioAPI Java BSP, which will mirror the corresponding components, specified in ISO/IEC 30106-1. The semantic equivalent of ISO/IEC 30106-1 is maintained in...
Avis d'intention
Technlogies de l'information - Objet orienté ...
This document specifies an interface of a BioAPI C# framework and BioAPI C# BSP which mirror the corresponding components specified in ISO/IEC 30106-1. The semantic equivalence of this document will be maintained with ISO/IEC...
Avis d'intention
Captage du dioxyde de carbone, transport et stockage...
This Standard is intended to apply to pipeline systems associated with carbon capture and storage facilities that are not covered by CSA Z662 Oil & Gas Pipelines and as a supplemental reference to relevant sections of CSA...
Avis d'intention
connecteurs d'eau flexibles
This Standard covers flexible water connectors for use in water supply systems under a) continuous pressure in accessible locations; and b) intermittent pressure in recreational vehicles only.
Avis d'intention
Vannes à commande manuelle pour utilisation dans...
This Standard specifies requirements for manually operated valves, also known as supply line stops, in sizes NPS 4 and smaller
Avis d'intention
Équipements individuels de flottabilité/ Vêtements...
Note: The project need for this NOI was updated by the responsible SDO on June 8, 2021. La présente partie de l'ISO 12402 spécifie les méthodes d'essai relatives aux équipements individuels de flottabilité.
Avis d'intention
Matériel de soudage à l'arc - Partie 7: Torches...
This part of IEC 60974 specifies safety and construction requirements for torches for arc welding and allied processes. In this standard, a torch consists of the torch body, the cable-hose assembly and other components.This...
Avis d'intention
Thermostats d'appareils à gaz
The provisions of Parts I, II, III and IV apply to newly produced gas appliance thermostats, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, in which the thermal elements and thermostatic valve are an integral unit.
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Techniques de...
This document provides requirements and recommendations for how to process and remediate reported potential vulnerabilities in a product or service. This document is applicable to vendors involved in handling vulnerabilities.
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Interface utilisateur...
This document defines GIML (Gesture Interface Markup Language). The syntax and the structure of GIML are described in this document.