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Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - SCSI-3 Modèle...
This International Standard describes a reference model for the coordination of standards applicable to SCSI-3 I/O systems and a set of common behavioral requirements that are essential for the development of host software...
Le CCN : un rôle de premier plan dans l’élaboration...
Le Conseil canadien des normes (CCN) s’apprête à formuler une stratégie nationale de normalisation pour veiller à ce que les intérêts canadiens en la matière soient représentés de manière stratégique à l’international. Cette...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs médicaux - Application de la gestion...
Reaffirmation This International Standard specifies a process for a manufacturer to identify the hazards associated with medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices, to estimate and evaluate the...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Architecture ...
This service definition is compliant with the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.0 [14]. It defines a service type referred to herein as ScheduledRecording service. The ScheduledRecording service is a UPnP service that allows...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électromédicaux - Partie 2-23: Exigences...
Replacement: This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of TRANSCUTANEOUS PARTIAL PRESSURE MONITORING EQUIPMENT as defined in 201.3.63 and hereinafter referred to as ME EQUIPMENT...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Cartes à circuits intégrés...
This part of ISO/IEC 14443 describes: - polling for proximity cards or objects (PICCs) entering the field of a proximity coupling device (PCD); - the byte format, the frames and timing used during the initial phase of...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Cartes à circuits intégrés...
This part of ISO/IEC 14443 describes: - polling for proximity cards or objects (PICCs) entering the field of a proximity coupling device (PCD); - the byte format, the frames and timing used during the initial phase of...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électromédicaux - Partie 2-60 : Exigences...
201.1 Scope and object Clause 1 of the general standard1) applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 Scope Replacement: This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of DENTAL UNITS, DENTAL...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Codage des objets...
This document integrates many different types of audio coding: natural sound with synthetic sound, low bitrate delivery with high-quality delivery, speech with music, complex soundtracks with simple ones, and traditional...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
This Technical Report provides guidance on the use of Ada when producing high integrity systems. In producing such applications it is usually the case that adherence to guidelines or standards has to be demonstrated to...
Avis d'intention
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel - Structures...
This International Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations and guidance for the design, construction, transportation, installation and removal of offshore structures, related to the activities of the...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Méthodes d'essai - ...
1. Scope ISO/IEC 10373 defines test methods for characteristics of identification cards according to the definition given in ISO/IEC 7810. Each test method is cross-referenced to one or more base standards, which may be ISO...