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Affichage de 5317 - 5328 de 11281
Avis d'intention
Exigences de performance pour les vannes de compensation...
This Standard applies to automatic compensating valves intended to be installed at the point of use, where the user has access to flow or final temperature controls, and where no further mixing occurs downstream of the device...
Avis d'intention
Chargeurs d’accumulateurs
1.1 This Standard applies to battery chargers for use on nominal system voltages not exceeding 600 V intended for household, commercial, or industrial use in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I...
Avis d'intention
Rendement énergétique des systèmes de fenêtrage...
The scope of this project is to update the A440.2/.3 Standard, specifically after three Working Groups complete their work respectively on: Condensation: A Working Group was created to review the language of A440.2/.3 and...
Avis d'intention
Cartes et dispositifs de sécurité pour l'identification...
This document describes the test methods for characteristics of identification cards according to ISO/IEC 7810 and other standards, such as those listed in the Introduction. NOTE 1 Criteria for acceptability do not form part...
Avis d'intention
Parafoudres basse tension – Partie 21: Parafoudres...
1.1 This International Standard is applicable to devices for surge protection of telecommunications and signalling networks against indirect and direct effects of lighting or other transient overvoltages. The purpose of these...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électromédicaux - Partie 1-9 : Exigences...
1.1 * Scope This International Standard applies to the reduction of adverse ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS of MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, hereafter referred to as ME EQUIPMENT. MEDICAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS are excluded from the scope...
Avis d'intention
Système de ravitaillement de moteur portable ...
This Standard sets forth a set of minimum performance requirements for portable engine fueling systems (PEFS) with a rated capacity of not more than 32 L (8.45 US gallons), designed to be connected to gasoline-fueled engines...
Avis d'intention
Atmosphères explosives - Partie 6 : Protection...
This part of IEC 60079 specifies the requirements for the design, construction, testing and marking of Ex Equipment and Ex Components with type of protection liquid immersion o intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres...
Avis d'intention
Atmosphères explosives - Partie 25 : Systèmes...
This part of IEC 60079 contains the specific requirements for design, construction and assessment of intrinsically safe systems, Type of Protection “i”, intended for use, as a whole or in part, in locations in which the use...
Avis d'intention
Méthode D’essai Normalisée De Comportement Au...
1.1 Cette méthode d’essai de résistance au feu couvre les essais de résistance au feu applicables aux fenêtres protégées par gicleurs et permet d’évaluer le comportement au feu, dans des conditions contrôlées d’exposition au...
Avis d'intention
Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle...
This International Standard specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including a) the goal and scope definition of the LCA, b) the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, c) the life...
Avis d'intention
Partage de données pour les stations canadiennes...
This Standard provides requirements and recommendations for the sharing of weather data, including the use of equipment and software for doing so. The Standard includes consideration, and any requirements or recommendations...