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Affichage de 4357 - 4368 de 11282
Avis d'intention
Transporteurs agricoles mobiles à vis - Sécurité...
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Standard is to provide for a reasonable degree of personal safety for operators and others during normal operation of portable auger conveying equipment used to convey agricultural materials on...
Avis d'intention
Conception accessible des guichets automatiques...
1.1 This Standard specifies accessibility requirements for automated banking machines (ABMs) and ABM sites. Note: While the purpose of this Standard is to make ABMs or their environment more accessible, there might be some...
Avis d'intention
Étiquetage volontaire et publicité visant les...
La présente norme régit l’étiquetage volontaire et la publicité visant les aliments dans le but d’établir si ces derniers sont issus ou non du génie génétique ou s’ils contiennent ou non des ingrédients issus du génie...
Avis d'intention
Ligne Poster Composite Insulator pour les lignes...
1.1 This Standard covers the requirements for line post composite insulators used on overhead distribution lines operating at nominal voltages up to and including 75 kV. Line post insulators support the line conductor...
Avis d'intention
Isolateurs de hauban composites
1.1 This Standard covers the requirements for guy composite insulators used in guy wires on overhead distribution lines operating at nominal voltages up to and including 75 kV. Guy insulators insulate or isolate guy wires for...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
This International Standard specifies the syntax and semantics of COBOL. Its purpose is to promote a high degree of machine independence to permit the use of COBOL on a variety of data processing systems. This International...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Identification...
This part of ISO/IEC 18000 defines the air interface for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating as an active RF tag in the 433 MHz band used in item management applications. It provides a common technical...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Technique d'enregistrement...
This part of ISO/IEC 7811 is one of a series of standards describing the parameters for identification cards as defined in the definitions clause and the use of such cards for international interchange. This part of ISO/IEC...
Avis d'intention
Technique d'enregistrement - Partie 2: Bande ...
This part of ISO/IEC 7811 is one of a series of standards describing the characteristics for identification cards as defined in the definitions clause and the use of such cards for international interchange. This part of ISO...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Technique d'enregistrement...
ISO/IEC 7811 defines the characteristics for identification cards as defined in Clause 4 of this part of ISO/IEC 7811 and the use of such cards for international interchange. This part of ISO/IEC 7811 specifies requirements...
Avis d'intention
Évaluation des performances des poutres froides...
Remarque : Cet avis d'intention a été annulé par l'organisme de normalisation responsable le 13 juin 2023. La présente norme s'applique aux poutres froides actives telles que définies à la section 3, y compris les poutres...
Avis d'intention
Carburant diesel hors route
1.1 La présente norme s’applique à deux types de carburant diesel, le type A et le type B, qui conviennent aux moteurs diesels hors route et stationnaires. 1.2 Les deux types de carburant peuvent être utilisés pour l...