CSA D-39

Interim Certification Requirements for Portable Generators equipped with CO detection and automatic shutdown
This requirement applies to 15 kW or smaller; single phase; 300 V or lower; 60 hertz; gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and diesel engine driven portable generators intended for multiple use and intended to be moved, though not necessarily with wheels. Permanent stationary generators, 50 hertz generators, marine generators, trailer mounted generators, generators in motor homes, generators intended to be pulled by vehicles, engine driven welding power sources and portable generators with AC output circuits that are not compatible with NEMA receptacles are not covered.
Applicabilité date:
Date d'expiration:
Numéro de la norme:
CSA D-39
Date de publication:
Organisme de certification:
CSA Group Testing & Certification Inc.
Autorité canadienne de réglementation:
Canadian Advisory Council Electrical Safety, Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council