Standard for Safety for Aboveground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids

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Champ d’application


1.1 These requirements cover primary, secondary, and coaxial types of aboveground pipes intended for transfer and containment of specific flammable and combustible liquids and fuels or fuel components (and vapors thereof) identified in this Standard, at their manufacturing, processing and distribution facilities, commercial (public) or fleet (private) motor vehicle fueling stations or similar fuel dispensing applications, and piping systems for fuel supply of generators, burners or similar equipment.

1.2 These pipes may be flexible or rigid types constructed with metallic, nonmetallic, or composite materials in single continuous or multiple joined lengths with integral end fittings in nominal sizes from 12.7 mm to 152.4 mm (0.5 in to 6.0 in) diameters, and are typically intended for use in the following applications:


a) General aboveground use either directly on or suspended above the ground, such as piping between tanks and dispensers or within buildings, such as fuel supply lines to rooftop generators or basement boilers, which may include short lengths routed in below grade containment sumps and underground chase pipe where accessible, but not where directly buried; or



b) Special aboveground uses that requires an additional evaluation for a specific purpose, such as marinas, and where specific liquids or extreme environments are not represented by the general test liquids and expected exposures conditions.


1.3 These pipes are intended for commercially available fuels and fuel components, and similar flammable and combustible liquids under the expected use conditions, and exposures that have similar chemical, physical and material compatibility properties as represented in these requirements.

1.4 Products covered by this Standard are intended to be installed and used in accordance with the applicable Codes and Regulations as determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), such as, but not limited to:

In the United States:

a) Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, NFPA 20;

b) Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30;

c) Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Garages, NFPA 30A;

d) Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, NFPA 31;

e) Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, NFPA 37;

f) Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing, NFPA 407;

g) Uniform Fire Code, NFPA 1;

h) International Fire Code published by the International Fire Council; and/or

i) Other applicable federal and state regulations for piping.


In Canada:

a) The National Fire Code of Canada;

b) CAN/CSA-B139, Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment;

c) CCME PN 1326, Environmental Code of Practice for Aboveground and Underground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum and Allied Petroleum Products; and/or

d) Provincial or other Regulations.


1.5 The following Recommended Practices may be used as determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ):

a) Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling, PEI/RP 200;

b) Recommended Practices for Installation of Bulk Storage Plants, PEI/RP 800;

c) Recommended Practices for the Installation of Marina Fueling Systems (2014 Edition), PEI/RP 1000;

d) Recommended Practices for the Design, Installation, Service, Repair and Maintenance of Aviation Fueling Systems (2013 Edition), PEI/RP 1300;

e) Recommended Practices For The Design And Installation Of Fueling Systems For Emergency Generators, Stationary Diesel Engines And Oil Burner Systems (2014 Edition), PEI/RP 1400.


1.6 These products are factory manufactured and intended for on-site field assembly, inspection, and leak testing for the specified applications and use conditions by qualified persons in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and local requirements.

1.7 These products are intended to be periodically inspected and maintained for continued service, or taken out of service if necessary, by qualified persons in accordance with industry recommended practices and/or the manufacturer's instructions.

1.8 These products have not been evaluated for use after natural disasters, fires or exposures to chemicals not representative of the test liquids, or excessive physical damage beyond the expected assembly, installation and uses as identified in these requirements.

1.9 These products have not been evaluated for applications where exposed to heavy or continuous physical abuses, excessive mechanical stresses; and environments that are highly corrosive; or operate outside of the expected ambient use temperature range for significant times.

1.10 These requirements do not cover aboveground piping products for liquid fuels, which are within the scope of UL 180, Liquid-Level Gauges for Oil Burner Fuels and Other Combustible Liquids and ULC/ORD-C180, Liquid Level Gauges And Indicators For Fuel Oil And Lubricating Oil Tanks; or underground piping products which are found in CAN/ULC-S679, Standard for Metallic and Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids; UL 971, Standard for Nonmetallic Underground Piping For Flammable Liquids; and UL 971A, Outline of Investigation for Metallic Underground Fuel Pipe.

1.11 These requirements do not cover aboveground piping products for gaseous fuels (such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, propane, butane, etc.), which are found in UL 536, Standard for Flexible Metallic Hose; and ULC/ORD-C536, Flexible Metallic Hose.

1.12 These requirements do not cover flexible metal connector piping or flexible elastomeric fuel dispensing and vapor recovery hose, which are found in UL 2039, Standard for Flexible Connector Piping for Fuels; UL 330A, Outline of Investigation for Hose and Hose Assemblies for Use With Dispensing Devices Dispensing Gasoline and Gasoline/Ethanol Blends With Nominal Ethanol Concentrations Up To 85 Percent (E0 - E85); UL 330B, Standard for Hose and Hose Assemblies for Use With Dispensing Devices Dispensing Diesel Fuel, Biodiesel Fuel, Diesel/Biodiesel Blends With Nominal Biodiesel Concentrations Up To 20 Percent (B20), Kerosene, and Fuel Oil; and CAN/ULC-S633, Standard for Flexible Connector Piping for Fuels.

Raison d’être du projet

Raison d’être du projet
To revise Fire Test to clarify pass/fail requirements

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