Categories 1 and 2 Foam Liquid Concentrates

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Numéro de référence:
ULC S564
Catégorie de norme:
Norme consensuelle d'OEN
Type d’activité d’élaboration de normes:
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Champ d’application

1. The Standards for foam liquid concentrates are divided into three categories. Category 1 Primarily for use on general-purpose hydrocarbon fires Category 2 Primarily for use on polar solvents, oxygenated fuels, and water-miscible fuels and all Category 1 applications Category 3 Primarily for use on aircraft rescue fire fighting and all Category 1 applications This Standard refers to Categories 1 and 2 foam liquid concentrates. NOTE: The requirements for Category 3 Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Liquid Concentrates are contained in the Standard CAN/ULC-S560 and the requirements for Category 3 Film-Forming Fluoroprotein (FFFP) Foam Liquid Concentrates are contained in the Standard CAN/ULC-S563. 2. These requirements cover foam producing equipment and liquid concentrates employed for the production and discharge of foam that has an expansion ratio of 20:1 or less and is used for fire extinguishment. These requirements are based on the premise that foam equipment and specified types of foam liquid concentrates with which they are intended to be used are to be investigated for use with each other. 3. If foam equipment covered by these requirements incorporate sprinklers, the sprinklers shall comply with the requirements for Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service, ULC/ORD-C199. 4. Requirements for the installation and use of foam equipment and liquid concentrates are included in the following Standards of the National Fire Protection Association: A Standard for Low Expansion Foam, NFPA 11; B Standard for the Installation of Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems, NFPA 16; and C Standard for the Installation of Closed-Head Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 16A.

Raison d’être du projet

Raison d’être du projet
With no temperature limits the foam solution temperature could be significantly lower than the minimum fuel temperature, which thus provide a greater cooling effect with quicker fire control and extinguishment than other similarly listed foams, making burnback testing also easier to pass. Similarly, fuel could be ‘chilled’ prior to ignition to reduce vaporization rates providing an unfair advantage in passing the test over other similarly listed foams, but unrealistic of more likely real fire conditions. In order to provide a more consistent and comparative fire test results, the temperature conditions need to be specified. Additionally, this new requirement would closely align ULC S564 with other international foam standards, notably FM 5130.

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