Burglary Resistant Electronic Combination Locks

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Champ d’application

1.1 These requirements cover burglary resistant electronic combination locks designed for attachment on doors of safes, vaults, automated banking machines, depository units, and the like, to provide a means of locking the boltwork against unauthorized opening.

1.2 These requirements are intended to test the ability of  burglary resistant electronic combination locks to resist unauthorized opening for a limited period of time. Electronic combination locks covered by these requirements may or may not have integral protection against entry by force.

1.3 These requirements cover burglary resistant electonic combination locks powered by electrical circuits, or they generate their own power as a function of their operation. A power supply that is used to energize a burglary resistant electronic combination lock shall comply with the requirements of the Standard for Power Supplies for Byrglar alarm Systems, ULC-S318.

1.4 If a burglary resistant electonic combination lock has a timelock feature, it shall comply with ULC-ORD-C887, Timelocks.

1.5 If a burglary resistant electonic combination lock has a time delay feature in any user mode, it shall comply with ULC-ULC-S337, Standard for Delayed-Action Timelocks.

1.6 The requirements of this Standard do not apply to components and systems external to the burglary resistant electronic combination lock which are required for the administration and operation of the locking system.

Raison d’être du projet

Raison d’être du projet
5-year renewal.

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