Technologies de l'information — Système de codage d'images JPEG 2000 — Partie 6: Format de fichier d'image de composant
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a normative but optional file format for storing compound images using the JPEG 2000 file format family architecture. This format is an extension of the JP2 file format defined in Rec. ITU-T T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1 Annex I and uses boxes defined for both the JP2 file format and the JPX file format defined in Rec. ITU-T T.801 | ISO/IEC 15444-2 Annex M. This Recommendation | International Standard is useful for applications storing multiple pages, images with mixed content, and/or images that need more structure than provided in JP2.
Applications that implement this file format shall implement it as described in this Recommendation | International Standard. This Recommendation | International Standard:
– specifies a binary container for multiple bi-level and continuous-tone images used to represent a compound image;
– specifies a mechanism by which multiple images can be combined into a single compound image, based on the mixed raster content (MRC) model;
– specifies a mechanism for grouping multiple images in a hierarchy of layout objects, pages and page collections;
– specifies a mechanism for storing JPEG 2000 and other compressed image data formats;
– specifies a mechanism by which metadata can be included in files specified by this Recommendation | International Standard.
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