Technologies de l'information - Codage de l'information multimédia et hypermédia - Partie 1: Représentation d'objet MHEG - Notation de base (ASN.1)

CSA Group
Organisme d'élaboration de normes:
Programme de travail:
Numéro de référence:
CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 13522-1-00 (R2014)
Catégorie de norme:
Norme nationale du Canada - Adoption d'une Norme internationale
Type d’activité d’élaboration de normes:
En cours d'élaboration
Date de début de la période de commentaires OEN:
Date de fin de la période de commentaires des OEN:
Affiché le:


Champ d’application

This part of ISO/IEC 13522 specifies the coded representation of final-form multimedia and hypermedia information objects that are interchanged as units within or across services and applications, by any means of interchange (e.g. storage, local area network, wide area telecommunication, broadcast telecommunications or broadcast networks). These objects, called MHEG objects, define the structure of a multimedia presentation.

These objects provide the following functionalities: final-form representation, systems with minimal resources, interactivity and multimedia synchronization, real-time presentation, and real-time interchange, as a common base for many multimedia and hypermedia applications.

This part of ISO/IEC 13522 defines:

  • the specifications of the MHEG objects without regard for the underlying representation coded representation,
  • the base-coded representation, using the ASN-1 representation.

 (Other types of coded representation may be specified in other parts of ISO/IEC 13522.)

1.1 Specificity of the Scope

Since it is expected that a wide range of recommendations, standards, and using applications will be users of this part of ISO/IEC 13522, the scope focuses on the generic structuring aspects. This part of ISO/IEC 13522 recognizes the semantics implied by the specification of the MHEG objects but does not enforce any semantic interpretation by the using application.

1.2 Issues

Outside the Scope of this Part of ISO/IEC 13522 The scope excludes any standardization of models, services, systems, protocols or applications that make use of MHEG objects. Integration of MHEG objects within these models, services, systems, protocols or applications, or interworking, may be defined by other standards.

The coded representation of content data is not in the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 13522

Raison d’être du projet

Raison d’être du projet
To review the Standard within the required 5 year period.

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