Systèmes et ingénierie logicielle - Profils de cycle de vie pour très petites entités (VSE) - Partie 1: Vue d'ensemble

CSA Group
Organisme d'élaboration de normes:
Programme de travail:
Numéro de référence:
Catégorie de norme:
Norme nationale du Canada - Adoption d'une Norme internationale
Type d’activité d’élaboration de normes:
Nouvelle norme
En cours d'élaboration
Date de début de la période de commentaires OEN:
Date de fin de la période de commentaires des OEN:
Affiché le:


Champ d’application

This Standard introduces the major concepts required to understand and use the ISO/IEC 29110 series. It introduces the characteristics and requirements of a VSE and clarifies the rationale for VSE-specific profiles, documents, standards and guides.

It also introduces process, lifecycle, standardization concepts and defines the organizational terms common to the VSE Profile Set of Documents.

It is applicable to a VSE. A VSE is an entity (enterprise, organization, department or project) having up to 25 people. The lifecycle processes described in the ISO/IEC 29110 series, Standardized Profiles and Technical Reports are not intended to preclude nor discourage their use by an entity that is larger than a VSE.

It is targeted both at the general audience wishing to understand the series of documents and, more specifically, at users of the ISO/IEC 29110 series. It should be read first when initially exploring VSE Profile documents. While there is no specific prerequisite to read this part of ISO/IEC 29110, it will be helpful to the user in understanding the other parts.

The lifecycle processes defined in the set of Standardized Profiles and Technical Reports can be used by a VSE when developing, acquiring and using, as well as when creating and supplying systems having hardware and software elements and software. They can be applied at any level in a systems development, software system's structure and at any stage in the lifecycle. They are not intended to preclude or discourage the use of additional processes that a VSE finds useful

Raison d’être du projet

Raison d’être du projet

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