Équipement mobile d'extraction souterraine
(Includes M424.0, M424.1, M424.2, M424.3, and M424.4)
The CSA M424 Series of Standards is intended to include the following documents and associated standards’ scopes:
- M424.0 Underground Mining Mobile Equipment – General requirements
This New Standard will describe the general technical requirements and procedures for the design, performance, and testing of underground mining mobile equipment for use in gassy and non-gassy underground mines.
- M424.1 Flameproof non-rail-bound diesel-powered machines for use in gassy underground coal mines
This Standard describes the technical requirements and procedures necessary for the design, performance, and testing of new or unused flameproof, non-rail-bound diesel-powered, self-propelled machines for use in gassy underground mines.
- M424.2 Non-rail-bound diesel-powered machines for use in non-gassy underground mines
- M424.3 Braking Performance - Rubber-Tired, Self-Propelled Underground Mining Machines
This Standard describes minimum performance criteria for the service braking system, secondary braking system, and parking system for rubber-tired, self-propelled underground mining machines with maximum rated speeds of 32 kph or less and having a rated gross mass of 45 000 kg or less.
- M424.4 Non-rail-bound hydrogen fuel cell-powered machines for use in non-gassy underground mines
This New Standard describes the technical requirements and procedures necessary for the design, performance and testing of new or unused non-rail-bound, hydrogen fuel cell powered (including battery electric vehicle variants), self-propelled machines for use in non-gassy underground mines
Raison d’être du projet
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Les OEN sont eux-mêmes responsables du contenu et de l’exactitude de l’information présentée ici. Cette information n’existe que dans la langue dans laquelle elle a été fournie au CCN.