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Affichage de 1057 - 1068 de 10618
Avis d'intention
Méthodologie d'estimation énergétique du bâtiment
C873 SERIES-15 contains: C873.0-15 - Building energy estimation methodology — Part 0 — Definitions and general requirements for the calculation of energy loads, energy consumption, and source energy for heating, cooling...
Avis d'intention
Norme nord-américaine sur les fenêtres/Spécification...
1.1 General This fenestration Standard/Specification applies to both operating and fixed, new construction and replacement windows, doors, SSPs, TDDs, roof windows, and unit skylights installed into exterior building...
"Préparer des normes internationales concernant les technologies des piles à combustible (FC) pour tous les types de FC et d’applications associées diverses telles que les systèmes d’alimentation des FC stationnaires pour les...
Avis d'intention
Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes — Exigences...
This document supports the interest of system users in having consistent, complete, accurate, and usable information. It addresses both available approaches to standardization: a) process standards, which specify the way that...
Avis d'intention
Standard for Multioutlet Assemblies
Note: NOI for UL 111 was withdrawn on 2018-06-19 as requested by the responsible SDO. Note: Scope updated 2018-03-20 as per a request from the responsible SDO. 1.1 These requirements cover Multioutlet Assemblies and factory...
Avis d'intention
Fenêtre, Porte, et Skylight installation
1.1 This Standard sets forth methods for both new installation and replacement installation of factory- assembled windows, exterior doors, and unit skylights that are intended for installation in low-rise buildings and...
Avis d'intention
Chauffe-eau à gaz, volume I, chauffe-eau à accumulation...
1.1 This Standard applies to newly produced, automatic storage water heaters having input ratings of 75,000 Btu/hr (21 980 W) or less (see Clause 3, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as water heaters or appliances...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information-Langages de programmation...
1.1 Objectifs Les objectifs de cette partie de l'ISO/IEC 10514 sont : - fournir une définition rigoureuse du langage Modula-2 et de sa bibliothèque standard en fournissant un modèle mathématique des deux ; - fournir une...
Avis d'intention
Standard pour le système d'entraînement électrique...
Note: NOI for UL 111 was withdrawn on June 19, 2018 as requested by the responsible SDO. Note: Scope updated 2018-03-20 as per a request from the responsible SDO. 1.1 These requirements cover Multioutlet Assemblies and...
Avis d'intention
Antennes, tours et structures de support d'antenne
Scope: To develop and publish an update to CSA S37-18, reflecting climate change adaptation, with aim to ballot a draft standard by January 2019 and publication in June 2019. The technical committee will also provide feedback...
Avis d'intention
Chauffage par trace à effet de peau des pipelines...
1.1 General This standard is divided into seven clauses. Clause 1 provides the scope and purpose. Clause 2 lists references to other standards that are useful in applying this standard. Clause 3 references definitions that...
Avis d'intention
Amendement 1 - Technologies de l'information...
This part of ISO/IEC 11801 specifies generic cabling for use within industrial premises, or industrial areas within other types of premises, which can comprise single or multiple buildings on a campus. It covers balanced...