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Affichage de 1261 - 1272 de 10616
Avis d'intention
Interrupteurs pour appareils - Partie 1: Règles...
1.1 This International Standard applies to switches (mechanical or electronic) for appliances actuated by hand, by foot or by other human activity, to operate or control electrical appliances and other equipment for household...
Avis d'intention
Lignes directrices pour les niveaux d'action ...
1. Scope/objectives: This Standard would include: • clarity of the objectives for environmental action levels and where they fit in the environmental protection framework for emission control; • consideration of process...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information -- Télécommunications...
This International Standard specifies the combination of base standards, together with the selection of appropriate options and parameter values, necessary to specify how QSIG / PSS1 can be used to provide digital signalling...
Avis d'intention
Transformateurs de distribution submersibles ...
1.1 This Standard covers the features of three-phase submersible transformers rated 75 to 3000 kV.A. Note: For details not covered herein, reference should be made to CSA C2.1. 1.2 This Standard applies only to three-phase...
Avis d'intention
Panneaux et ensembles industriels de commande
1.1 This Standard applies to industrial control panels and assemblies rated at not more than 1500 V, intended to be installed and used in non-hazardous locations in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code...
Avis d'intention
Panneaux et ensembles industriels de commande
1.1 This Standard applies to industrial control panels and assemblies rated at not more than 1500 V, intended to be installed and used in non-hazardous locations in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code...
Avis d'intention
Transformateurs de distribution submersibles ...
1.1 This Standard covers the features of single-phase submersible transformers rated 25 to 333 kV.A. Note: For details not covered herein, reference should be made to CSA C2.1. 1.2 This Standard applies only to single-phase...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Apprentissage...
1.1 Scope of MLR multipart standard The primary purpose of this International Standard is to specify metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the...
Avis d'intention
Véhicules, bateaux et moteurs à combustion interne...
The limits in this International Standard are designed to provide protection for broadcast receivers in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz when used in the residential environment. Compliance with this standard may...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Codage des objets...
This part of ISO/IEC 14496 (MPEG-4 Audio) is a new kind of audio standard that integrates many different types of audio coding: natural sound with synthetic sound, low bitrate delivery with high-quality delivery, speech with...
Avis d'intention
Condensateurs shunt pour réseaux à courant alternatif...
This part of IEC 60871 is applicable to both capacitor units and capacitor banks intended to be used, particularly, for power-factor correction of a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V and frequencies of 15...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Télécommunications...
This International Standard specifies the combination of base standards, together with the selection of appropriate options and parameter values, necessary to specify how QSIG / PSS1 can be used to provide digital signalling...