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Affichage de 1165 - 1176 de 11243
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Traitement transactionnel...
This International Standard specifies the XA interface: the bidirectional interface between a transaction manager and a r esource manager in an X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) environment. The XA interface is...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Intergiciel multimédia...
This part of ISO/IEC 23004 defines the architecture of the MPEG Multimedia Middleware (M3W) technology
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Cloud computing...
This Standard specifies the cloud computing reference architecture (CCRA). The reference architecture includes the cloud computing roles , cloud computing activities , and the cloud computing functional components and their...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - métadonnées XML...
1. Scope This International Standard provides specifications for: a. A set of XML Schema Definitions (XSD) production rules for transforming MOF based metamodels into XML Schemas. b. A set of XML Document production rules for...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - syntaxique métalangue...
This International Standard defines a notation, Extended BNF, for specifying the syntax of a linear sequence of symbols. It defines both the logical structure of the notation and its graphical representation. Extended BNF has...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Small Computer...
This International Standard defines an input/output bus for interconnecting computers and peripheral devices. It defines extensions to the Small Computer System Interface (ISO 9316:1989), referred to herein as SCSI-1. It also...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Vocabulaire - ...
Scope This part of ISO/IEC 2382 is intended to facilitate international communication in data communication. It presents, in two languages, terms and definitions of selected concepts relevant to the field of data...